Saturday, June 27, 2009

Got the shoes....ready to roll, I mean run!

My husband took me to a store tonight where they watch you run on a treadmill for a short time and analyze your feet/posture to get you fitted for the right shoe. Asics were the winner - "gel numbus-11" to be exact. And lucky me they had them in a gray/silver, not favorite! plus a little purple accent....hey gotta look good right? :)
They are soooooooo soft and way more supportive than what I have been wearing! I hope my dog, Hank, can keep up with me in the morning - wink wink!
Happy feet, Jill


  1. "New shoes, new shoes, Jill got new shoes"! I have not sang that song in a while! Josie got me up at 6am this morning and we hit the road at 6:25. I am happy to be on the WB fitness train!!! choo choo

  2. I love that song!!! You're awesome!
