Friday, June 26, 2009

About Weinbach Girl Jill

Hello, this is Jill Billy! How exciting to give a "Shout to the Lord" today! Being able to see WBG Carrie, her parents and son Jackson was such a blessing Wed! Chatting it up while our kids played, we discovered we have a similar run a 5K. Neither of us are runners, however we know we can do it! This is our blog and hopefully other WBG will join in.

Over the past year and an half, I have struggled with many health issues. My faithful prayer warriors (AKA WBG!) know all the details. Through the midst of it all, weight gain has been one of the nasty side effects and it is time to be gone with it! At the beginning of the year I weighed in 3 pounds less than what I weighed the day I gave birth to my daughter. Yikes! I started to change our eating lifestyle and was able to drop 15 pounds. After being stuck there, exercise was needed - but not my cup of tea! Struggling I manage to drop a pound, gain a pound here and there. Losing weight is just my way of becoming the healthy person I want to be. My goal is to be able to wake up in the morning and say "I am fit enough to run a 5K today".

This morning on the treadmill I was able to do two miles in 30 min 32 seconds. Still a ways to go, but I know with the accountability of my WBG we can do it. Carrie and I have set a goal to run our 5K by Jackson's birthday in is possible!!!!! Phil 4:13 :)

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