Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Concerning what our kids drink.

If anyone caught the last half of Jamie Oliver's show last Friday, you heard him go bananas over the posters in one school cafeteria. They were advertising and promoting chocolate and flavored milks. His comment was that chocolate and flavored milks (such as strawberry) have just as much sugar in them as soda, so why not put up posters promoting to our youth to drink up the soda! Good point, and in the end the cafeteria ladies took down the signs....they didn't think about the sugar content or put two and two together. See what education can do?!

Anyhow, on that note I am sitting here looking at the ingredients in McDonald's chocolate milk, there are in order: lowfat milk, HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP, SUGAR, cocoa, PROCESSED WITH ALKALI, skim milk, CARRAGEENAN, SALT, ARTIFICIAL FLAVOR, Vit A PALMITATE, vitamin D3.

YAK! That is some nasty stuff going into our kids!
I have to brag on my water drinking daughter. When at McDonalds, she even request it with her meal. How cool. So the question is, did we beat her? Of course not, we just never gave her the option when she was younger. We don't encourage it, or give it as an option to pick from. She doesn't care. She doesn't even ask for it. I love that. She is so awesome.
Read your ingredients my friends because we ARE what we eat,

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