Wednesday, June 16, 2010

$1,712.... how much the average amount a pack-a-day smoker in the US spends on cigarettes annually, according to a 2009 study by Ozerechowski and Walker, an economics consulting firm.

Praise God no one in my immediate family smokes, but if you know someone this may be an eye-opening fact to pass on.
With that same amount of money 11,900 meals could be provided for the nation's hungry through - doesn't that sound like a much better way to use that money?

I thought about a few other things with this data. According to the figures above that is approximately $4.69 spent a day. Even though there are no smokers in this family, I began thinking of how many times we spend $4.69 on a Value Meal at any fast food chain....or how few boxes of goldfish snacks it take get to that number, or cans of soda. I know there are family members of mine that easily spend $2-$3 a day on "polar pops" from the gas station, or from the fast food drive through. What if we quite the junk and take that money for the good of other things?

Help our bodies live healthier and glorify the Lord all at once??!!?! we're talking! Just think about it.

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