Friday, June 11, 2010

The fridge door...

don't know what you have in your fridge door but I have taken the next step in our quest to be healthy and really examined ours. Wow - was I surprised! Did you know in a jar of pickles is a ton of processed chemicals AND artificial coloring just to make it look more green?!?!?! Relish = sodium benzoate, corn syrup, alum, calcium chloride, and artificial color.....YAK!

Well, still conquering how to keep our budge yet go organic, I found quickly that I can't quite fit into our monthly envelope exchanging all our condiments for organic right away. So here goes my baby steps.
Step one: Don't use it. Simple and easy. Believe it or not we actually had corn on the cob the other night without butter - no complaints and it was still good!
Step two: Start swapping out the conventional condiments for organic. Whole Food carries their own brand that is relatively cheaper than most. This month I paid a mere 13 more cents for a jar of organic relish than the Kroger brand. Whole Foods carry absolutely nothing in their store with harmful ingredients or additive.

Because there is a price increase, this month was just swapping out the relish and grape jelly. Two favorites in our house - however we have limited the use of them tremendously over the past year! Next month will be something else and so on until we get the whole kitchen up to par.

Kinda funny to know that organic grape jelly doesn't add artificial coloring like the Kroger conventional brand does....yet it is still purple.
So friends - WHY are we putting these artificial ingredients into our bodies if we don't have too? Kinda eye opening once you start reading labels.

Take a moment to see what you are eating, what you are putting on your kids foods, and can you really live without it....go for it, I dare you. ;)
Love, love,


  1. Good tips! Funny we pay less for the crap with the EXTRA stuff. It totally should be the other way around.

    Have you ever considered canning? My mother-in-law does it, and she says it's way easy.

  2. YES! We actually don't do a lot, but I do as much as I can. We don't have a pressure cooker, but my mom shared with me how to safely seal jars in boiling water. Last sumemr we canned TONS of salsa, tomatoe juice, and hot sauce. I absolutly love having it throughout the winter.

    We just have a few tomato and pepper plants planted, but only live 50 minutes from my brother who has a HUGE garden. They can a ton, too......and share - love it!
