Monday, February 22, 2010

Baby Steps.

As mentioned before, I am very excited to be able to share how to help make our lives healthier for not only us, but our families as well. I know all you ladies are busy busy, so hopefully I can help with small tidbits. Lets just take baby steps...remember the smallest of changes you make today can impact your life GREATLY in 20 years!

This week, simply do one thing. Make a vow that when grocery shopping to always buy fresh or frozen fruit and veggies. No more cans in the pantry! Fresh peaches taste 10 times better than canned anyhow! :) This is a very small and easy change to WILL impact the way your body runs and drop pounds. I promise.
And what better way to say I love you to your family?

come look in my pantry cans. No preservatives. (Except for that can of chicken noodle soup for those emergency cold/flu days) :)
Small change, big results,

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