Hey ladies.
My blogging is taking a long break and slowly coming to an end. It has been a great ride and I have learned so much.
However, I remember one of my friends (whom is one of the healthiest and happiest people I know) told me not to far into my journey last year, "It's a lonely world out there when it comes to this stuff." And she is right.
Day in and day out, I constantly educate myself with healthy information. There is no secret the power and importance this has had on my life and the life I am about ready to bring into this world. That itself has been my driving energy. But I'm getting tired my friends. Very.very.tired. I am mentally worn out of the resistance life puts in front of us daily....of the resistance our own families put in front of us. Trying to encourage and educate over that has simply exhausted me. Many times the encourager is the one who seeks the encouragement...and in this case I feel I have pushed too far.
Mel was right, it is a lonely world out there. So dear friends, please keep up the journey. As for me, I just need to rest. Rest from it all. Rethink. Refuel. Re-evaluate. Falling into Satan's work - I hope not...he had me wrapped a year ago and it sucked. Going to pray he keeps his distance this time, although I'm just not running as fast as I did.
Weinbach Girls - Love Love. Keep in touch with all the baby news.
Ali - Thanks for the encouragement and support. I treasure the friendship "cyberspace" as allowed us to have.
The closet readers out there - Thanks for reading. Education is the first step. Action is second.
It's been a great run, my friends.
Signing off,
ps - a couple hours later, I am glancing back at old entries just for an emotional ride through history....ironic, the very first entry was June 26....and now my last on June 27. Oh what a year. Ironic.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Must read....good info.
This article was one of my daily newsletters from Prevention Magazine. A little longer blog that normal, but I decided to cut and paste the whole article instead of just the link....making sure you really read it instead of just intend to read it. ;)
Make Every Meal Healthier
Use these simple strategies to boost the health benefits of your produce
While we've been dutifully eating our fruits and vegetables all these years, a strange thing has been happening to our produce. It's losing its nutrients. That's right: Today's conventionally grown produce isn't as healthful as it was 30 years ago—and it's only getting worse.
In 2004, Donald Davis, PhD, a former researcher with the Biochemical Institute at the University of Texas, Austin, led a team that analyzed 43 fruits and vegetables from 1950 to 1999 and reported reductions in vitamins, minerals, and protein. Using USDA data, he found that broccoli, for example, had 130 mg of calcium in 1950. Today, that number is only 48 mg.
What's going on? Davis believes it's due to the farming industry's desire to grow bigger vegetables faster. The very things that speed growth—selective breeding and synthetic fertilizers—decrease produce's ability to synthesize nutrients or absorb them from the soil.
A different story is playing out with organic produce. "By avoiding synthetic fertilizers, organic farmers put more stress on plants, and when plants experience stress, they protect themselves by producing phytochemicals," explains Alyson Mitchell, PhD, a professor of nutrition science at the University of California, Davis. Her 10-year study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed that organic tomatoes can have as much as 30% more phytochemicals than conventional ones.
But even if organic is not in your budget, you can buck the trend. Here, 9 expert tips to put the nutrient punch back in your produce.
1. Sleuth Out Strong Colors
"Look for bold or brightly hued produce," says Sherry Tanumihardjo, PhD, an associate professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. A richly colored skin (think red leaf versus iceberg lettuce) indicates a higher count of healthy phytochemicals. Tanumihardjo recently published a study showing that darker orange carrots contain more beta-carotene.
2. Pair Your Produce
"When eaten together, some produce contains compounds that can affect how we absorb their nutrients," explains Steve Schwartz, PhD, a professor of food science at Ohio State University. His 2004 study of tomato-based salsa and avocado found this food pairing significantly upped the body's absorption of the tomato's cancer-fighting lycopene. Check out Healthy Power Pairs for more examples.
3. Buy Smaller Items
Bigger isn't better, so skip the huge tomatoes and giant peppers. "Plants have a finite amount of nutrients they can pass on to their fruit, so if the produce is smaller, then its level of nutrients will be more concentrated," Davis says.
4. Cook Smarter
Certain vegetables release more nutrients when cooked. Broccoli and carrots, for example, are more nutritious when steamed than when raw or boiled—the gentle heat softens cell walls, making nutrients more accessible. Tomatoes release more lycopene when lightly sauteed or roasted, says Johnny Bowden, PhD, nutritionist and author of The Healthiest Meals on Earth.
5. Eat Within a Week
"The nutrients in most fruits and vegetables start to diminish as soon as they're picked, so for optimal nutrition, eat all produce within 1 week of buying," says Preston Andrews, PhD, a plant researcher and associate professor of horticulture at Washington State University. "If you can, plan your meals in advance and buy only fresh ingredients you can use that week."
6. Skip Time-Savers
Precut produce and bagged salads are time-savers. But peeling and chopping carrots, for example, can sap nutrients. Plus, tossing peels deprives you of good-for-you compounds. If possible, prep produce just before eating, says Bowden: "When sliced and peeled or shredded, then shipped to stores, their nutrients are significantly reduced."
7. Mix Them Up
If you're used to munching on red tomatoes, try orange or yellow, or serve purple cauliflower along with your usual white. "Many of us buy the same kinds of fruits and vegetables each week," Andrews says. "But there are hundreds of varieties besides your usual mainstays—and their nutrient levels can differ dramatically. In general, the more varied your diet is, the more vitamins and minerals you'll get."
8. Opt for Old-TimersSeek out heirloom varieties like Brandywine tomatoes, Early Jersey Wakefield cabbage, Golden Bantam corn, or Jenny Lind melon. Plants that were bred prior to World War II are naturally hardier because they were established—and thrived—before the development of modern fertilizers and pesticides.
9. Find a Farmers' Market
Unlike prematurely picked supermarket produce, which typically travels hundreds of miles before landing on store shelves, a farmers' market or pick-your-own venue offers local, freshly harvested, in-season fare that's had a chance to ripen naturally—a process that amplifies its amount of phytonutrients, says Andrews: "As a crop gets closer to full ripeness, it converts its phytonutrients to the most readily absorbable forms, so you'll get a higher concentration of healthful compounds."
Learn how to be a budget organic! Find out what’s worth the cost, what’s not, plus other ways to save.
Make Every Meal Healthier
Use these simple strategies to boost the health benefits of your produce
While we've been dutifully eating our fruits and vegetables all these years, a strange thing has been happening to our produce. It's losing its nutrients. That's right: Today's conventionally grown produce isn't as healthful as it was 30 years ago—and it's only getting worse.
In 2004, Donald Davis, PhD, a former researcher with the Biochemical Institute at the University of Texas, Austin, led a team that analyzed 43 fruits and vegetables from 1950 to 1999 and reported reductions in vitamins, minerals, and protein. Using USDA data, he found that broccoli, for example, had 130 mg of calcium in 1950. Today, that number is only 48 mg.
What's going on? Davis believes it's due to the farming industry's desire to grow bigger vegetables faster. The very things that speed growth—selective breeding and synthetic fertilizers—decrease produce's ability to synthesize nutrients or absorb them from the soil.
A different story is playing out with organic produce. "By avoiding synthetic fertilizers, organic farmers put more stress on plants, and when plants experience stress, they protect themselves by producing phytochemicals," explains Alyson Mitchell, PhD, a professor of nutrition science at the University of California, Davis. Her 10-year study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed that organic tomatoes can have as much as 30% more phytochemicals than conventional ones.
But even if organic is not in your budget, you can buck the trend. Here, 9 expert tips to put the nutrient punch back in your produce.
1. Sleuth Out Strong Colors
"Look for bold or brightly hued produce," says Sherry Tanumihardjo, PhD, an associate professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. A richly colored skin (think red leaf versus iceberg lettuce) indicates a higher count of healthy phytochemicals. Tanumihardjo recently published a study showing that darker orange carrots contain more beta-carotene.
2. Pair Your Produce
"When eaten together, some produce contains compounds that can affect how we absorb their nutrients," explains Steve Schwartz, PhD, a professor of food science at Ohio State University. His 2004 study of tomato-based salsa and avocado found this food pairing significantly upped the body's absorption of the tomato's cancer-fighting lycopene. Check out Healthy Power Pairs for more examples.
3. Buy Smaller Items
Bigger isn't better, so skip the huge tomatoes and giant peppers. "Plants have a finite amount of nutrients they can pass on to their fruit, so if the produce is smaller, then its level of nutrients will be more concentrated," Davis says.
4. Cook Smarter
Certain vegetables release more nutrients when cooked. Broccoli and carrots, for example, are more nutritious when steamed than when raw or boiled—the gentle heat softens cell walls, making nutrients more accessible. Tomatoes release more lycopene when lightly sauteed or roasted, says Johnny Bowden, PhD, nutritionist and author of The Healthiest Meals on Earth.
5. Eat Within a Week
"The nutrients in most fruits and vegetables start to diminish as soon as they're picked, so for optimal nutrition, eat all produce within 1 week of buying," says Preston Andrews, PhD, a plant researcher and associate professor of horticulture at Washington State University. "If you can, plan your meals in advance and buy only fresh ingredients you can use that week."
6. Skip Time-Savers
Precut produce and bagged salads are time-savers. But peeling and chopping carrots, for example, can sap nutrients. Plus, tossing peels deprives you of good-for-you compounds. If possible, prep produce just before eating, says Bowden: "When sliced and peeled or shredded, then shipped to stores, their nutrients are significantly reduced."
7. Mix Them Up
If you're used to munching on red tomatoes, try orange or yellow, or serve purple cauliflower along with your usual white. "Many of us buy the same kinds of fruits and vegetables each week," Andrews says. "But there are hundreds of varieties besides your usual mainstays—and their nutrient levels can differ dramatically. In general, the more varied your diet is, the more vitamins and minerals you'll get."
8. Opt for Old-TimersSeek out heirloom varieties like Brandywine tomatoes, Early Jersey Wakefield cabbage, Golden Bantam corn, or Jenny Lind melon. Plants that were bred prior to World War II are naturally hardier because they were established—and thrived—before the development of modern fertilizers and pesticides.
9. Find a Farmers' Market
Unlike prematurely picked supermarket produce, which typically travels hundreds of miles before landing on store shelves, a farmers' market or pick-your-own venue offers local, freshly harvested, in-season fare that's had a chance to ripen naturally—a process that amplifies its amount of phytonutrients, says Andrews: "As a crop gets closer to full ripeness, it converts its phytonutrients to the most readily absorbable forms, so you'll get a higher concentration of healthful compounds."
Learn how to be a budget organic! Find out what’s worth the cost, what’s not, plus other ways to save.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Today could not get any better.
36 weeks. We've made it baby. You will never know how anxious I am to see you.
Also, here is the conversation Emma and I just had....
(Emma comes up and hugs me)
"Mom, do you know how much I love you?"
"How much, Emma Lillie?"
"More than God. (pause) and you know what Mom? ...that is A LOT"
wow. WOW. Who could ask for anything more?
Also, here is the conversation Emma and I just had....
(Emma comes up and hugs me)
"Mom, do you know how much I love you?"
"How much, Emma Lillie?"
"More than God. (pause) and you know what Mom? ...that is A LOT"
wow. WOW. Who could ask for anything more?
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
....is how much the average amount a pack-a-day smoker in the US spends on cigarettes annually, according to a 2009 study by Ozerechowski and Walker, an economics consulting firm.
Praise God no one in my immediate family smokes, but if you know someone this may be an eye-opening fact to pass on.
With that same amount of money 11,900 meals could be provided for the nation's hungry through feedingamerica.org - doesn't that sound like a much better way to use that money?
I thought about a few other things with this data. According to the figures above that is approximately $4.69 spent a day. Even though there are no smokers in this family, I began thinking of how many times we spend $4.69 on a Value Meal at any fast food chain....or how few boxes of goldfish snacks it take get to that number, or cans of soda. I know there are family members of mine that easily spend $2-$3 a day on "polar pops" from the gas station, or from the fast food drive through. What if we quite the junk and take that money for the good of other things?
Help our bodies live healthier and glorify the Lord all at once??!!?!.....now we're talking! Just think about it.
Praise God no one in my immediate family smokes, but if you know someone this may be an eye-opening fact to pass on.
With that same amount of money 11,900 meals could be provided for the nation's hungry through feedingamerica.org - doesn't that sound like a much better way to use that money?
I thought about a few other things with this data. According to the figures above that is approximately $4.69 spent a day. Even though there are no smokers in this family, I began thinking of how many times we spend $4.69 on a Value Meal at any fast food chain....or how few boxes of goldfish snacks it take get to that number, or cans of soda. I know there are family members of mine that easily spend $2-$3 a day on "polar pops" from the gas station, or from the fast food drive through. What if we quite the junk and take that money for the good of other things?
Help our bodies live healthier and glorify the Lord all at once??!!?!.....now we're talking! Just think about it.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Something to ponder...
What's Really In …
150 calories
8 g fat (1.5 g saturated)
180 mg sodium
The concept is, well, sort of brilliant: Nachos and cheese without the hassle of a microwave. Or even a plate, for that matter. You just tear open the bag and start snarfing. And as a parting gift, Dorito's leave your fingers sticky with something that looks like radioactive bee pollen. Now here's the question: Do you have any clue what's in that stuff? Here you go:
To create each Dorito, the Frito-Lay food scientists draw from a well of 39 different ingredients. How many does it take to make a regular tortilla chip? About three. That means some 36 ingredients wind up in that weird cheese fuzz. Of those 36, only two are ingredients you'd use to make nachos at home: Romano and cheddar cheeses. Alongside those are a cache of empty carbohydrate fillers like dextrin, maltodextrin, dextrose, flour, and corn syrup solids. Then come a rotating cast of oils. Depending on what bag you get, you might find any combination of corn oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, and sunflower oil. Some of those will be partially hydrogenated, meaning they give the chip a longer shelf life and spike your heart with a little shot of trans fat. (The reason you won't see this on the nutrition label is that FDA guidelines allow food manufacturers to "round down" to zero.)
And then, after the fats and nutritionally empty starches, there's a seasoning blend, which includes things like sugar, "artificial flavoring," and a rather worrisome compound called monosodium glutamate. Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is the flavor enhancer largely responsible for the chip's addicting quality. The drawback is that it interferes with the production of an appetite-regulating hormone called leptin. A study of middle-aged Chinese people found a strong correlation between MSG consumption and body fat. What's more, the FDA receives new complaints every year from people who react violently to MSG, suffering symptoms like nausea, headaches, burning sensation, numbness, chest pains, dizziness, and so on. Talk about radioactive bee pollen.
Read the whole article(and surprising facts about Subway bread!)at:
150 calories
8 g fat (1.5 g saturated)
180 mg sodium
The concept is, well, sort of brilliant: Nachos and cheese without the hassle of a microwave. Or even a plate, for that matter. You just tear open the bag and start snarfing. And as a parting gift, Dorito's leave your fingers sticky with something that looks like radioactive bee pollen. Now here's the question: Do you have any clue what's in that stuff? Here you go:
To create each Dorito, the Frito-Lay food scientists draw from a well of 39 different ingredients. How many does it take to make a regular tortilla chip? About three. That means some 36 ingredients wind up in that weird cheese fuzz. Of those 36, only two are ingredients you'd use to make nachos at home: Romano and cheddar cheeses. Alongside those are a cache of empty carbohydrate fillers like dextrin, maltodextrin, dextrose, flour, and corn syrup solids. Then come a rotating cast of oils. Depending on what bag you get, you might find any combination of corn oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, and sunflower oil. Some of those will be partially hydrogenated, meaning they give the chip a longer shelf life and spike your heart with a little shot of trans fat. (The reason you won't see this on the nutrition label is that FDA guidelines allow food manufacturers to "round down" to zero.)
And then, after the fats and nutritionally empty starches, there's a seasoning blend, which includes things like sugar, "artificial flavoring," and a rather worrisome compound called monosodium glutamate. Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is the flavor enhancer largely responsible for the chip's addicting quality. The drawback is that it interferes with the production of an appetite-regulating hormone called leptin. A study of middle-aged Chinese people found a strong correlation between MSG consumption and body fat. What's more, the FDA receives new complaints every year from people who react violently to MSG, suffering symptoms like nausea, headaches, burning sensation, numbness, chest pains, dizziness, and so on. Talk about radioactive bee pollen.
Read the whole article(and surprising facts about Subway bread!)at:
This has absolutely nothing to do with health or exercise, but is way to amusing to keep to myself.
So we are running in between stores after church on Sunday, so I just decide after snapping Emma in her car seat I would just sit beside for the quick trips. All the sudden I get a request from her to "open my mouth." Curious as to what she was thinking next, I complied.
Nose to nose with me and looking in my mouth she bellers out, "HEY BABY THIS IS YOUR BIG SISTER, WE CAN"T WAIT TO SEE YOU!"
I about died of laughter. The silent laughter though - ya know....when you don't want your kids to know you're laughing because you don't want them to think you are making fun of them laugh.
Too freakin' cute. Absolutely love that Emma. And just think double the love in just a few weeks.....is that possible?!?!?!
So we are running in between stores after church on Sunday, so I just decide after snapping Emma in her car seat I would just sit beside for the quick trips. All the sudden I get a request from her to "open my mouth." Curious as to what she was thinking next, I complied.
Nose to nose with me and looking in my mouth she bellers out, "HEY BABY THIS IS YOUR BIG SISTER, WE CAN"T WAIT TO SEE YOU!"
I about died of laughter. The silent laughter though - ya know....when you don't want your kids to know you're laughing because you don't want them to think you are making fun of them laugh.
Too freakin' cute. Absolutely love that Emma. And just think double the love in just a few weeks.....is that possible?!?!?!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Praying for a dear friend....
I have just heard of a good childhood friend of mine that her doctor has mentioned the "h" word....yes, hysterectomy. She is only six day older than I am. Her and her husband have been blessed with one child, but I know more would joyous for them.
Ironically she goes to the same doctor that I went to in IN during all of my 5 D&C's and fertility treatments. He is a well know doctor when it comes to women's specialty health and is extremely smart. However, he is very much a medical doctor and "micro manager" of the uterus. Exactly one year ago this month, he sat down with Adam and I and shared with us that our 1.7% of having more children was even lower with my new test results showing positive for menopause (and I had the hot flashes to concur!) He spoke with us gently, however bottom line was "it was time to throw in the towel".
I'm not sure how God does it, but his plans are so much bigger. It is a weird and long story how we oddly enough ended up in Powell, OH. But I am so glad we did. There I stumbled (literally stumbled) into the office of a Chiropractor for a back adjustment. From there, one thing lead to another and I found this natural and pure lifestyle of synthetic free health. And the rest is history. One year later I sit here pregnant - 34 weeks. So much for "throwing in the towel" aye?!?! And believe you me, so glad hysterectomy wasn't pursed farther than the doors of the doctor's office.
Praying for my friend. I know she is hurting, bummed, mixed emotions. Praying for God to open doors. Praying for healing.
Ironically she goes to the same doctor that I went to in IN during all of my 5 D&C's and fertility treatments. He is a well know doctor when it comes to women's specialty health and is extremely smart. However, he is very much a medical doctor and "micro manager" of the uterus. Exactly one year ago this month, he sat down with Adam and I and shared with us that our 1.7% of having more children was even lower with my new test results showing positive for menopause (and I had the hot flashes to concur!) He spoke with us gently, however bottom line was "it was time to throw in the towel".
I'm not sure how God does it, but his plans are so much bigger. It is a weird and long story how we oddly enough ended up in Powell, OH. But I am so glad we did. There I stumbled (literally stumbled) into the office of a Chiropractor for a back adjustment. From there, one thing lead to another and I found this natural and pure lifestyle of synthetic free health. And the rest is history. One year later I sit here pregnant - 34 weeks. So much for "throwing in the towel" aye?!?! And believe you me, so glad hysterectomy wasn't pursed farther than the doors of the doctor's office.
Praying for my friend. I know she is hurting, bummed, mixed emotions. Praying for God to open doors. Praying for healing.
Friday, June 11, 2010
The fridge door...
don't know what you have in your fridge door but I have taken the next step in our quest to be healthy and really examined ours. Wow - was I surprised! Did you know in a jar of pickles is a ton of processed chemicals AND artificial coloring just to make it look more green?!?!?! Relish = sodium benzoate, corn syrup, alum, calcium chloride, and artificial color.....YAK!
Well, still conquering how to keep our budge yet go organic, I found quickly that I can't quite fit into our monthly envelope exchanging all our condiments for organic right away. So here goes my baby steps.
Step one: Don't use it. Simple and easy. Believe it or not we actually had corn on the cob the other night without butter - no complaints and it was still good!
Step two: Start swapping out the conventional condiments for organic. Whole Food carries their own brand that is relatively cheaper than most. This month I paid a mere 13 more cents for a jar of organic relish than the Kroger brand. Whole Foods carry absolutely nothing in their store with harmful ingredients or additive.
Because there is a price increase, this month was just swapping out the relish and grape jelly. Two favorites in our house - however we have limited the use of them tremendously over the past year! Next month will be something else and so on until we get the whole kitchen up to par.
Kinda funny to know that organic grape jelly doesn't add artificial coloring like the Kroger conventional brand does....yet it is still purple.
So friends - WHY are we putting these artificial ingredients into our bodies if we don't have too? Kinda eye opening once you start reading labels.
Take a moment to see what you are eating, what you are putting on your kids foods, and can you really live without it....go for it, I dare you. ;)
Love, love,
Well, still conquering how to keep our budge yet go organic, I found quickly that I can't quite fit into our monthly envelope exchanging all our condiments for organic right away. So here goes my baby steps.
Step one: Don't use it. Simple and easy. Believe it or not we actually had corn on the cob the other night without butter - no complaints and it was still good!
Step two: Start swapping out the conventional condiments for organic. Whole Food carries their own brand that is relatively cheaper than most. This month I paid a mere 13 more cents for a jar of organic relish than the Kroger brand. Whole Foods carry absolutely nothing in their store with harmful ingredients or additive.
Because there is a price increase, this month was just swapping out the relish and grape jelly. Two favorites in our house - however we have limited the use of them tremendously over the past year! Next month will be something else and so on until we get the whole kitchen up to par.
Kinda funny to know that organic grape jelly doesn't add artificial coloring like the Kroger conventional brand does....yet it is still purple.
So friends - WHY are we putting these artificial ingredients into our bodies if we don't have too? Kinda eye opening once you start reading labels.
Take a moment to see what you are eating, what you are putting on your kids foods, and can you really live without it....go for it, I dare you. ;)
Love, love,
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Rockin' it.
My sister-in-law, Jen is detoxing!
Vitamins, diet, exercise and all....two days in and six - count them ladies - SIX pounds down. You go girl!
Vitamins, diet, exercise and all....two days in and six - count them ladies - SIX pounds down. You go girl!
Happy Birthday Adam!
Well, happy birthday...yesterday! I always like the 29 days between his birthday and mine where I can say he is the "old one"!
Here's the family....even including our first baby, Hank. When thanking God for my blessings, it's a tough call which ranks higher....my husband, or the family I have because of my husband.
Here's the family....even including our first baby, Hank. When thanking God for my blessings, it's a tough call which ranks higher....my husband, or the family I have because of my husband.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
A recent study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarksers and Prevention found that individuals who consume two or more soft drinks a week had nearly twice the risk of developing pancreatic cancer compared with those who don't drink sodas. Pancreatic cancer is rare, but LETHAL, because it is seldom detected in early stages, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Natural Awakenings: June 2010
Natural Awakenings: June 2010
Eating healthy = Expensive????
NO WAY! Ok friends, this one really gets to me.....even though I use to say the exact same thing two years ago. Since then I have learned the TRUTH. Eating Healthy can actually SAVE you money!!!!! Here are some short facts I have learned over the year:
1. Produce can be more expensive if bought organic. But organic is not always necessary if the research is done.
2. Eating healthy means not only adding fresh produce to your grocery cart (which is where most see the expensive part), BUT it means NOT putting junk in your cart!!! Junk like preservatives, things containing artificial colors, artificial flavors, and chemicals. HELLO!! In other words don't buy mac n cheese, frozen pizzas, ice cream, pop, Little Debbies, etc....take the money and get healthy items!
3. It's ALL about choices when going out to eat.
4. Lets see.....compare this friends:
$100 pair of running shoes, $200 detox kit, eating healthy = $300 and no hormone issues, no polyps, no endometrious AND pregnant
$8000+ in fertility treatments, 5 surgeries in 6 years for polyps/endometrious where insurance covered very little because of "specialty doctor", $!!! spent on trying to treat hormone issues over and over and over = TONS of money and NOT pregnant.
5. A quote from my fav, Jamie Oliver on American health:
"I've never worked with a family of four that live on junk food that don't end up spending less eating fresh. They save an average $100-$150 a week!"
6. We are a hard core Dave Ramsey family - my wallet even has the envelopes inside it! For the past several months our grocery/food/eating out envelope has been $420 for this family. In the transition to eating healthy, I have NEVER ran out of money except for the one month Adam did his detox which is an extreme case of speciality meals. Never. Never go over. We now drink only organic milk, eat only organic chicken, and buy fresh produce every week...majority organic.
So eating healthy expensive...NOPE, sorry friends that is just another excuse. Come on, this is your life, your child's life, your grandkid's life. Go ahead try to put a price on that. You'll never win that argument with me.
Just a little fired up,
Oh, and by the way...When pregnant with Emma five years ago I was on progesterone shots once a week. Insurance did not cover the med or all the needles and syringes. This pregnancy, absolutely ZERO drugs needed. Love it.
1. Produce can be more expensive if bought organic. But organic is not always necessary if the research is done.
2. Eating healthy means not only adding fresh produce to your grocery cart (which is where most see the expensive part), BUT it means NOT putting junk in your cart!!! Junk like preservatives, things containing artificial colors, artificial flavors, and chemicals. HELLO!! In other words don't buy mac n cheese, frozen pizzas, ice cream, pop, Little Debbies, etc....take the money and get healthy items!
3. It's ALL about choices when going out to eat.
4. Lets see.....compare this friends:
$100 pair of running shoes, $200 detox kit, eating healthy = $300 and no hormone issues, no polyps, no endometrious AND pregnant
$8000+ in fertility treatments, 5 surgeries in 6 years for polyps/endometrious where insurance covered very little because of "specialty doctor", $!!! spent on trying to treat hormone issues over and over and over = TONS of money and NOT pregnant.
5. A quote from my fav, Jamie Oliver on American health:
"I've never worked with a family of four that live on junk food that don't end up spending less eating fresh. They save an average $100-$150 a week!"
6. We are a hard core Dave Ramsey family - my wallet even has the envelopes inside it! For the past several months our grocery/food/eating out envelope has been $420 for this family. In the transition to eating healthy, I have NEVER ran out of money except for the one month Adam did his detox which is an extreme case of speciality meals. Never. Never go over. We now drink only organic milk, eat only organic chicken, and buy fresh produce every week...majority organic.
So eating healthy expensive...NOPE, sorry friends that is just another excuse. Come on, this is your life, your child's life, your grandkid's life. Go ahead try to put a price on that. You'll never win that argument with me.
Just a little fired up,
Oh, and by the way...When pregnant with Emma five years ago I was on progesterone shots once a week. Insurance did not cover the med or all the needles and syringes. This pregnancy, absolutely ZERO drugs needed. Love it.
Monday, June 7, 2010
11:00 am, just came in from outside....
....my four year old daughter asks for a snack. I ask her what she wants. Jumping and clapping she says, "A PLUM A PLUM!".....keep in mind, there is a whole sack of candy from a birthday party sitting on the table.
I LOVE THAT GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE THAT GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Loving my children.
Organic foods are a healthier choice—and in more than one way. Studies show some organic foods are higher in antioxidants and cancer-fighting nutrients, such as conjugated linoleic acid. They're also healthier because they contain fewer chemicals. In a study published in Environmental Health Perspectives, researchers analyzed urine samples of children who ate a chemical food diet and then samples from the same children after eating an organic diet. They found far fewer chemicals in the children's urine the same day they switched to an organic diet—and a return to high levels when they went back to a chemical diet.
read the rest of this VERY interesting article at
Organic foods are a healthier choice—and in more than one way. Studies show some organic foods are higher in antioxidants and cancer-fighting nutrients, such as conjugated linoleic acid. They're also healthier because they contain fewer chemicals. In a study published in Environmental Health Perspectives, researchers analyzed urine samples of children who ate a chemical food diet and then samples from the same children after eating an organic diet. They found far fewer chemicals in the children's urine the same day they switched to an organic diet—and a return to high levels when they went back to a chemical diet.
read the rest of this VERY interesting article at
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
If you can't run, just paddle.
Some people run for four hours....I paddled. That's right my friends, a four hour canoe trip up the Wildcat River. My brother just bought a new canoe and borrowed a couple extra from friends so the whole family could share in the excitement. All in all, a fun trip and the kids were absolutely lovin' it...however was glad to have my feet on land at the finish line too! .....and yes, I'm wearing pigtails. ;)

Check out my crew...we make a good team. :)

And here is the cutest river rat of them all.....she had a blast, that crazy gal.
Check out my crew...we make a good team. :)
And here is the cutest river rat of them all.....she had a blast, that crazy gal.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Just ordered from Amerihealth Chiropractic in Powell OH, not one...but TWO purification kits!!! One for my brother and the other for his wife. They are starting Monday....oh man, this is goin' be good. -ahh-
FYI - Amerihealth will drop ship anywhere for just $5! Just tell them Jill sent ya! :)
Thanks Dr. Moore!!!!
FYI - Amerihealth will drop ship anywhere for just $5! Just tell them Jill sent ya! :)
Thanks Dr. Moore!!!!
ANYONE can run.....ANYone.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Summer Grilling getting Safer!
I found this QUITE interesting from Real Age Newsletter......
Cooking meat at high temperatures -- a la flame grilling -- can create cancer-causing substances. But here's a spice that counters it: rosemary.
Yep, mixing some rosemary into your burgers may make them not only tastier but safer and healthier, too. In a study, adding rosemary extract to beef patties before grilling slashed the production of harmful high-heat compounds by up to 90 percent.
Spice It Up
The cancer-causing substances created by high-heat grilling are called heterocyclic amines (HCAs). They form when amino acids and creatine react together under high temps -- and research suggests these compounds could up the risk of certain cancers, such as stomach cancer. In addition to adding rosemary to grilled meats, you can dial down the HCAs by cooking at lower temperatures and frequently turning meats on the grill. (Check out the YOU Docs' blog for five great ways to cut down on HCA production.)
Antioxidant Defense
How does rosemary extract beat back HCAs? It's high in antioxidants that may neutralize precursor compounds before they can turn into HCAs. Not a rosemary fan? Studies show that mixing ground meat with thyme, sage, or garlic or even chopped apples, pineapple, or cherries may do the trick as well. Follow these other tips for a healthier cookout:
Cooking meat at high temperatures -- a la flame grilling -- can create cancer-causing substances. But here's a spice that counters it: rosemary.
Yep, mixing some rosemary into your burgers may make them not only tastier but safer and healthier, too. In a study, adding rosemary extract to beef patties before grilling slashed the production of harmful high-heat compounds by up to 90 percent.
Spice It Up
The cancer-causing substances created by high-heat grilling are called heterocyclic amines (HCAs). They form when amino acids and creatine react together under high temps -- and research suggests these compounds could up the risk of certain cancers, such as stomach cancer. In addition to adding rosemary to grilled meats, you can dial down the HCAs by cooking at lower temperatures and frequently turning meats on the grill. (Check out the YOU Docs' blog for five great ways to cut down on HCA production.)
Antioxidant Defense
How does rosemary extract beat back HCAs? It's high in antioxidants that may neutralize precursor compounds before they can turn into HCAs. Not a rosemary fan? Studies show that mixing ground meat with thyme, sage, or garlic or even chopped apples, pineapple, or cherries may do the trick as well. Follow these other tips for a healthier cookout:
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Quick tidbit....
Steam your veggies or eat them raw!!!
According to the new book Your Skin, Younger, eating veggies cooked at high tempts like roasting, grilling or frying can cause inflammation, increasing the rate of aging in the body!
June 2010 Health.com
According to the new book Your Skin, Younger, eating veggies cooked at high tempts like roasting, grilling or frying can cause inflammation, increasing the rate of aging in the body!
June 2010 Health.com
Monday, May 24, 2010
21 Days
Superb job to my husband. He survived....allllll 21 days. Here is his comment to my brother when questioned about it:
" I did the food portion without the supplements with the exception of the shake powder. You might be grouchy for the first couple days, but will start feeling better thereafter. I didn't eat less, I just ate different things. Yesterday was 1st day post-detox...we stopped at McD's last night because it was the only place to we could eat and be home in time for Jill to watch Lost...I was able to eat about half of my value meal. I also ordered a dr pepper...was only able to taste about 3 of the 23 flavors, none of which were very good...didn't finish it. I quit drinking pop for 13 months while in Bloomington and craved it nearly everyday throughout. I did this for 3 weeks, and it doesn't even sound real appealing.
Jill did it and went from (literal) menopause (medically verified) to pregnant.
I did it and lost 15 lbs in 21 days and lost a craving for pop."
To check out the program we followed visit:
and click on Patient Guide PDF
OH!....and I would like to add....Adam also sleeps better, more sound, doesn't toss and turn as much, and does NOT snore anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! We're all winners on this one! ;)
" I did the food portion without the supplements with the exception of the shake powder. You might be grouchy for the first couple days, but will start feeling better thereafter. I didn't eat less, I just ate different things. Yesterday was 1st day post-detox...we stopped at McD's last night because it was the only place to we could eat and be home in time for Jill to watch Lost...I was able to eat about half of my value meal. I also ordered a dr pepper...was only able to taste about 3 of the 23 flavors, none of which were very good...didn't finish it. I quit drinking pop for 13 months while in Bloomington and craved it nearly everyday throughout. I did this for 3 weeks, and it doesn't even sound real appealing.
Jill did it and went from (literal) menopause (medically verified) to pregnant.
I did it and lost 15 lbs in 21 days and lost a craving for pop."
To check out the program we followed visit:
and click on Patient Guide PDF
OH!....and I would like to add....Adam also sleeps better, more sound, doesn't toss and turn as much, and does NOT snore anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! We're all winners on this one! ;)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
It time to think ahead!
So after deciding what to do with our weed infested landscaping (buying a house in December gives off an unpredictable illusion of the "outside"!) we decided to work hard this year on the front and hit up the back next year. Soooooo, until next year what to do, what to do....
.....plant tomatoes!
After pulling and digging, the weeds seem to be under control. I used our shovel to "till" the ground up and actually found some nice dirt underneath all the previous two years of neglect! Emma has had planted (from seed) tomatoes and pepper plants inside over the past few weeks. She has LOVED watching them grow, but it is time to get them out...out of the dining room!
After digging the holes, we put in some natural fertilizer that consisted of chopped up banana peels, egg shells, mango peels, and strawberry tops. After in the ground, we put newspaper very thick around the plants and mulch on top to hold the papers down. Hopefully this will keep weeds away - without chemicals. We have a deck that will serve as our "cages" that we can tie the plants to as they get bigger and heavy with tomatoes. Can't wait for the neighbors to see our "creative" landscaping! :) Soon to come - a zucchini plant by the spruce tree....hello baby food!
So have you got your plants out? Do you have creative landscaping, a garden, or just a simple large pot at your back door? One plant will reap many! These tomatoes will make good for salsa, spaghetti sauce, soups, and much much more throughout the winter months. I will definitely share recipes when time comes! (also share how freezing your harvest is easy and canning is easy even if you don't have a pressure cooker)
Now, if only the dog will keep out. :)
Good stuff for even the tomato haters out there,
.....plant tomatoes!
After pulling and digging, the weeds seem to be under control. I used our shovel to "till" the ground up and actually found some nice dirt underneath all the previous two years of neglect! Emma has had planted (from seed) tomatoes and pepper plants inside over the past few weeks. She has LOVED watching them grow, but it is time to get them out...out of the dining room!
After digging the holes, we put in some natural fertilizer that consisted of chopped up banana peels, egg shells, mango peels, and strawberry tops. After in the ground, we put newspaper very thick around the plants and mulch on top to hold the papers down. Hopefully this will keep weeds away - without chemicals. We have a deck that will serve as our "cages" that we can tie the plants to as they get bigger and heavy with tomatoes. Can't wait for the neighbors to see our "creative" landscaping! :) Soon to come - a zucchini plant by the spruce tree....hello baby food!
So have you got your plants out? Do you have creative landscaping, a garden, or just a simple large pot at your back door? One plant will reap many! These tomatoes will make good for salsa, spaghetti sauce, soups, and much much more throughout the winter months. I will definitely share recipes when time comes! (also share how freezing your harvest is easy and canning is easy even if you don't have a pressure cooker)
Now, if only the dog will keep out. :)
Good stuff for even the tomato haters out there,
Thursday, May 13, 2010
10 Down
Check out my husband....10 days down on the purification program, 10 pounds down.
No exercise, no vitamins, just good 'ol fresh eating with no preservatives/chemicals.
(and on a side note, just found out at the doctor's this week, my vonWillabrands factor is now 131 which a few years ago was below the range at 27. The normal range is 25-134! For those of you wondering vonWillabrands is a blood disorder that can cause you to bleed excessively if below range - very dangerous for delivery, but I'm clear now. AND my thyroid which was underactive just a mere 10 months ago is now above average range. According to my doctor that is difficult for pregnant women to achieve, regardless if there have been issues in the the past. I have taken no meds for either of these causes...just livin' off the good food God gave us. -ahhh- )
No exercise, no vitamins, just good 'ol fresh eating with no preservatives/chemicals.
(and on a side note, just found out at the doctor's this week, my vonWillabrands factor is now 131 which a few years ago was below the range at 27. The normal range is 25-134! For those of you wondering vonWillabrands is a blood disorder that can cause you to bleed excessively if below range - very dangerous for delivery, but I'm clear now. AND my thyroid which was underactive just a mere 10 months ago is now above average range. According to my doctor that is difficult for pregnant women to achieve, regardless if there have been issues in the the past. I have taken no meds for either of these causes...just livin' off the good food God gave us. -ahhh- )
In season May - August!
Good for You
Avocados have the heart-healthy fats called mono-and polyunsaturated fats, which, when eaten in place of saturated or trans fats, can actually help lower LDL (so-called "bad" cholesterol) levels and shrink your waistline!
Get the Best
Chef Daniel Humm advises choosing avocados that are slightly soft to the touch, but not too mushy. "After two days at room temperature, they'll ripen and be perfect," he says. Hass avocados, one of the most common varieties, have pebbly skin that turns from green to purplish-black when ripe and have a creamy taste. If you don't use ripe avocados right away, store them in the refrigerator to keep from spoiling.
Kitchen Simple
Guacamole is an easy way to enjoy avocado, says Humm. Mash two avocados and stir in two tablespoons diced red onion, a half cup diced tomato, half a minced jalepeno, two minced garlic cloves, a half cup chopped cilantro, three tablespoons lime juice, salt, and pepper. Serve with chips and veggies, or spread on sandwiches.
Avocados have the heart-healthy fats called mono-and polyunsaturated fats, which, when eaten in place of saturated or trans fats, can actually help lower LDL (so-called "bad" cholesterol) levels and shrink your waistline!
Get the Best
Chef Daniel Humm advises choosing avocados that are slightly soft to the touch, but not too mushy. "After two days at room temperature, they'll ripen and be perfect," he says. Hass avocados, one of the most common varieties, have pebbly skin that turns from green to purplish-black when ripe and have a creamy taste. If you don't use ripe avocados right away, store them in the refrigerator to keep from spoiling.
Kitchen Simple
Guacamole is an easy way to enjoy avocado, says Humm. Mash two avocados and stir in two tablespoons diced red onion, a half cup diced tomato, half a minced jalepeno, two minced garlic cloves, a half cup chopped cilantro, three tablespoons lime juice, salt, and pepper. Serve with chips and veggies, or spread on sandwiches.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
A couple EASY summer switch-ups
Summer time is grillin' time! There was a chef on Dr. Oz a few days ago sharing how we can still enjoy our summer favorites but in a healthier way. Here are two examples:
Grilling out hamburgers - swap out half the beef and replace with ground turkey breast. (Make sure it is turkey breast and not thighs....thighs have a much higher fat count) The guest out of the audience wasn't told about the swap until after she tasted the burger - she said it tasted normal and in fact the beef flavor actually tasted like it was enhanced more. So all in all the turkey cuts the fat in half and adds much more protein, nutrition, and flavor. Perfect!
Coleslaw - gotta have this if you're grilling out! My family's weakness ingredient in cooking...mayo. MMmmmmMmmmm we love this stuff. But she suggested swapping half out with Greek yogurt. The Greek yogurt is extra creamy and won't kill the taste of the mayo already added. Add some fresh lemon zest and who-la, half the fat. Dr. Oz also suggested for an even bigger punch of nutrition use broccoli slaw instead of cabbage.
There you have it....two easy and simple swaps that can make big differences in our favorite summer dishes. I love tips like this!
Now if it would just quit raining so we fire up that grill!
Grilling out hamburgers - swap out half the beef and replace with ground turkey breast. (Make sure it is turkey breast and not thighs....thighs have a much higher fat count) The guest out of the audience wasn't told about the swap until after she tasted the burger - she said it tasted normal and in fact the beef flavor actually tasted like it was enhanced more. So all in all the turkey cuts the fat in half and adds much more protein, nutrition, and flavor. Perfect!
Coleslaw - gotta have this if you're grilling out! My family's weakness ingredient in cooking...mayo. MMmmmmMmmmm we love this stuff. But she suggested swapping half out with Greek yogurt. The Greek yogurt is extra creamy and won't kill the taste of the mayo already added. Add some fresh lemon zest and who-la, half the fat. Dr. Oz also suggested for an even bigger punch of nutrition use broccoli slaw instead of cabbage.
There you have it....two easy and simple swaps that can make big differences in our favorite summer dishes. I love tips like this!
Now if it would just quit raining so we fire up that grill!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Simple Tip...
When shopping for frozen veggies, make sure the veggies haven't got a "frozen lump" in the bag - this is a sign they have been thawed and refrozen. This means they retain fewer vitimins.
-Sarah Krieger,registered dietitian and spokemsman for the American Dietetic Association
-Sarah Krieger,registered dietitian and spokemsman for the American Dietetic Association
Sunday, May 9, 2010
A Happy Mother's Day and a Purple Shirt
Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mom's that read from this blog. Hope your day was as splended as mine.
It started off last night when my beautiful daughter got very giggly about the present she got for me for Mother's Day. She is very good at keeping secrets...never peeped, even when I offered her a dollar. (In fact she said "how about I don't tell you AND you give me the dollar!) She was so excited, that after tucking her in bed she told me to tell Daddy that she might sleep in and not to give mommy her present until she woke up. The fact that she was about to jump out of her princess jammies with excitement was enough present for me right there.
So Sunday morning I was awaken to this very joyous four year old jumping on my bed with a hot pink bag. Inside the best homemade card saying "Happy Mother's Day" across it with a picture of our family...I absolutely melt at all her drawings. And there it was at the bottom of the bag - a beautiful purple necklace picked out by the blond bombshell herself. Love it. Love it more that my husband took the time to share a shopping experience with his daughter. Precious.
"Mommy, you are going to wear this church aren't you?" OF COURSE! How could I not wear this gift hand picked for me by the sole person that actually MADE me a mom! Oh, but wait....In the back of my head, I was thinking....purple??? With a belly full of Baby, what do I have that will fit...and is purple??? (Not to mention the weather is c.h.c.h.c.h.i.l.l.y.) Desperately digging in the closet, I was down to the last few hangers. There it was. A purple shirt. A purple shirt I wore over a year and half ago. It was fitted through the mid drift and I thought to myself, is this even worth a shot? But I had to wear that necklace, so on the purple shirt went. Holy Cow. It worked, it fit, YES! The necklace matched perfect. Perfect.
As I continue to get ready it dawns on me that this purple shirt is just that. A purple shirt I wore to church a year ago. It had been hanging in my closest unworn do to the weight I had lost. Here I am wearing it 29 weeks pregnant. Pregnant? Holy Cow. First off, it always is blessing to remember I am pregnant given the odds form the doctors. But second, how crazy is it that I can wear the normal (not maternity!) clothes that I wore just a mere year and half ago. In one way I am ashamed to have let things go back then, but on the other hand I can not be more excited that I can wear it now as a 29 week pregnant lady.
Wow...God is good, all the time.
Happy Mother's Day, my friends.....from Emma, Baby, and the lady in the purple shirt.
It started off last night when my beautiful daughter got very giggly about the present she got for me for Mother's Day. She is very good at keeping secrets...never peeped, even when I offered her a dollar. (In fact she said "how about I don't tell you AND you give me the dollar!) She was so excited, that after tucking her in bed she told me to tell Daddy that she might sleep in and not to give mommy her present until she woke up. The fact that she was about to jump out of her princess jammies with excitement was enough present for me right there.
So Sunday morning I was awaken to this very joyous four year old jumping on my bed with a hot pink bag. Inside the best homemade card saying "Happy Mother's Day" across it with a picture of our family...I absolutely melt at all her drawings. And there it was at the bottom of the bag - a beautiful purple necklace picked out by the blond bombshell herself. Love it. Love it more that my husband took the time to share a shopping experience with his daughter. Precious.
"Mommy, you are going to wear this church aren't you?" OF COURSE! How could I not wear this gift hand picked for me by the sole person that actually MADE me a mom! Oh, but wait....In the back of my head, I was thinking....purple??? With a belly full of Baby, what do I have that will fit...and is purple??? (Not to mention the weather is c.h.c.h.c.h.i.l.l.y.) Desperately digging in the closet, I was down to the last few hangers. There it was. A purple shirt. A purple shirt I wore over a year and half ago. It was fitted through the mid drift and I thought to myself, is this even worth a shot? But I had to wear that necklace, so on the purple shirt went. Holy Cow. It worked, it fit, YES! The necklace matched perfect. Perfect.
As I continue to get ready it dawns on me that this purple shirt is just that. A purple shirt I wore to church a year ago. It had been hanging in my closest unworn do to the weight I had lost. Here I am wearing it 29 weeks pregnant. Pregnant? Holy Cow. First off, it always is blessing to remember I am pregnant given the odds form the doctors. But second, how crazy is it that I can wear the normal (not maternity!) clothes that I wore just a mere year and half ago. In one way I am ashamed to have let things go back then, but on the other hand I can not be more excited that I can wear it now as a 29 week pregnant lady.
Wow...God is good, all the time.
Happy Mother's Day, my friends.....from Emma, Baby, and the lady in the purple shirt.

Friday, May 7, 2010
Repeat of yesterday: If the majority of you answers are "yes", then it is likely that you diet/lifestyle contributes significantly to your toxic load. Beyond diet, many external toxins, such as perfumes, cleaners, and pollution add to your load.
Soooooo....whats this all mean? It means we are contaminating the very body that God gave us.
Our bodies are uniquely design to internally produce waste byproducts designed to rid itself these toxins BUT as you can see many of us have our bodies on "toxin overload"! This can contribute to a wide range of health issues including:
Stuffy head
Fatigue or difficulty sleeping
Digestion and other gastrointestinal problems
Food craving and weight gain
Reduced mental clarity
Low libido
Disruption in our immune, endocrine, nervous and reproductive systems
Folks, I believe every word of this whole-hardily. My husband and I have seen first hand the above list of conditions do a complete 180 in my own body. How? I decided to do a 21 day purification program. It was a.w.e.s.o.m.e. results. It cleaned my body out, but more importantly made me open my eyes to how "messed up inside" we make ourselves and kids. Through this I heave learned how to make simple everyday changes for myself and family.
AND....proud to say, my husband has started his 21 purification program last Sunday. We are using the same Standard Process program I used minus the nutritional vitiamins. (In other words he is simply eating off the recommended list of foods.) In four days he lost FIVE pounds. I am so excited for him and the changes he is making towards his future health.
To see more (and site the source of my information) go to: http://www.standardprocess.com/display/displayFile.aspx?docid=369&filename=/Public/Lit/Miscellaneous/purificationguideL2605.pdf
Takin' life by the goodness God gave us,
Soooooo....whats this all mean? It means we are contaminating the very body that God gave us.
Our bodies are uniquely design to internally produce waste byproducts designed to rid itself these toxins BUT as you can see many of us have our bodies on "toxin overload"! This can contribute to a wide range of health issues including:
Stuffy head
Fatigue or difficulty sleeping
Digestion and other gastrointestinal problems
Food craving and weight gain
Reduced mental clarity
Low libido
Disruption in our immune, endocrine, nervous and reproductive systems
Folks, I believe every word of this whole-hardily. My husband and I have seen first hand the above list of conditions do a complete 180 in my own body. How? I decided to do a 21 day purification program. It was a.w.e.s.o.m.e. results. It cleaned my body out, but more importantly made me open my eyes to how "messed up inside" we make ourselves and kids. Through this I heave learned how to make simple everyday changes for myself and family.
AND....proud to say, my husband has started his 21 purification program last Sunday. We are using the same Standard Process program I used minus the nutritional vitiamins. (In other words he is simply eating off the recommended list of foods.) In four days he lost FIVE pounds. I am so excited for him and the changes he is making towards his future health.
To see more (and site the source of my information) go to: http://www.standardprocess.com/display/displayFile.aspx?docid=369&filename=/Public/Lit/Miscellaneous/purificationguideL2605.pdf
Takin' life by the goodness God gave us,
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Take this 30 Second test....
How do I determine my toxic load?
Your toxic load is the amount of toxins that your body has to process. By answering the following question, you may gain some insight as to your current toxic load.
Y/N Do you or have you eaten processed foods?
Y/N Do you eat non-organic fruits and vegetables?
Y/N Do you eat meat and poultry that are not free-range?
Y/N Do you consume genetically altered food?
Y/N Do you or have you ever used artificial sweeteners?
Y/N Do you drink soda or diet soda?
Y/N Do the foods you eat have preservatives, additives, dyes, or sweeteners added?
Y/N Do you eat fast foods and/or eat out regularly?
Y/N Do you charbroil or grill foods?
Y/N Do you drink coffee regularly?
Y/N Do you drink alcohol?
Y/N Do you drink tap water?
If the majority of you answers are "yes", then it is likely that you diet/lifestyle contributes significantly to your toxic load. Beyond diet, many external toxins, such as perfumes, cleaners, and pollution add to your load.
After your whole family has taken the test, hang on to the results for tomorrow's blog!
Your toxic load is the amount of toxins that your body has to process. By answering the following question, you may gain some insight as to your current toxic load.
Y/N Do you or have you eaten processed foods?
Y/N Do you eat non-organic fruits and vegetables?
Y/N Do you eat meat and poultry that are not free-range?
Y/N Do you consume genetically altered food?
Y/N Do you or have you ever used artificial sweeteners?
Y/N Do you drink soda or diet soda?
Y/N Do the foods you eat have preservatives, additives, dyes, or sweeteners added?
Y/N Do you eat fast foods and/or eat out regularly?
Y/N Do you charbroil or grill foods?
Y/N Do you drink coffee regularly?
Y/N Do you drink alcohol?
Y/N Do you drink tap water?
If the majority of you answers are "yes", then it is likely that you diet/lifestyle contributes significantly to your toxic load. Beyond diet, many external toxins, such as perfumes, cleaners, and pollution add to your load.
After your whole family has taken the test, hang on to the results for tomorrow's blog!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Braggin' Rights.
Everyone read Monday's (today, May 3) post at http://www.blessedtreehouse.com/!
Just another reason I dearly miss OH. (Don't tell my anti-buckeye husband I miss OH. wink wink)
I remember posting on November 21 that you had started running...and now look at it just a mere 5 months later - WOW A HALF MARATHON!
Making Monday morning rock so hard that it makes me want to dance,
Just another reason I dearly miss OH. (Don't tell my anti-buckeye husband I miss OH. wink wink)
I remember posting on November 21 that you had started running...and now look at it just a mere 5 months later - WOW A HALF MARATHON!
Making Monday morning rock so hard that it makes me want to dance,
Another confirmation regarding pesticides..
Your food is covered with pesticides
Canadian researchers report that dieters with the most organochlorines (pollutants from pesticides, which are stored in fat cells) experience a greater than normal dip in metabolism as they lose weight, perhaps because the toxins interfere with the energy-burning process. Other research hints that pesticides can trigger weight gain. Always choose organic when buying peaches, apples, bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, lettuce, imported grapes, and pears; non-organic versions tend to have the highest levels of pesticides.
Spent two hours this past Saturday at Whole Foods. A great experience...I will be blogging about it throughout the week. But just a quick side note - the produce is EXCELLENT. It looks better, seems more fresh, and last night the whole family confirmed it even taste better - full of flavor.
Pesticides piss me off. ;)
Canadian researchers report that dieters with the most organochlorines (pollutants from pesticides, which are stored in fat cells) experience a greater than normal dip in metabolism as they lose weight, perhaps because the toxins interfere with the energy-burning process. Other research hints that pesticides can trigger weight gain. Always choose organic when buying peaches, apples, bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, lettuce, imported grapes, and pears; non-organic versions tend to have the highest levels of pesticides.
Spent two hours this past Saturday at Whole Foods. A great experience...I will be blogging about it throughout the week. But just a quick side note - the produce is EXCELLENT. It looks better, seems more fresh, and last night the whole family confirmed it even taste better - full of flavor.
Pesticides piss me off. ;)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Turkey Con Chili
I have a new love in my life - Jamie Oliver. ;) Seriously, he is doing great things with food and nutrition, not to mention has great tips, ideas, money saving suggestions and recipes - all with the center theory of basing our meals around natural foods! Love it. Tried one of his recipe's last night. I had to make a few adjustments due to the ingredients we had on hand so i will give it to you as I made it, but also give you the link to his original.
1. Preheat the oven to 350ºF.
2. Heat a few "lugs" of olive oil in a skillet on stove top at a medium heat.
2 peeled onions - roughly cut
1-2 carrots, peeled and roughly chopped
2 peppers (we had an orange and green), deseeded and roughly chopped
1 green chili pepper, deseeded and chopped - It made this chili B.I.L.M.S. for us (Brother in Law Marcus Style) which is spicy hot for Adam liking, hot enough for me as long as served with milk, but had to crack open an emergency can of chicken noodle soup for Emma! :) So use this ingredient to your family likin'!
Cook for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
3. Add:
diced celery (around two stalks)
1 tsp. Cumin
1 heaping tsp of Paprika
Let it cook another 10 minutes until soft and delicious. Jamie also says, "Sometimes I like to add some honey and white wine vinegar at this point and let it cook for a couple of minutes. I find this adds a wonderful sheen and enhances the natural sweetness of the vegetables." So I did... add 1 heaping tsp of "runny" honey and 3 TBSP white wine vinegar (well, I used apple cider because that is all we had)
4. Take this awesome veggie mixture and put in deep casserole/cooking dish along with:
600 grams (according to google 400 grams is 14 oz.) of shredded turkey, roughly chopped
Good pinch of Sea Salt and fresh cracked peppercorns
3 cans (14 oz) chopped tomatoes
1 can (14 oz) butter beans or chickpeas, drained - we had neither so I used black beans
5. Stir it baby. Admire the colors. Smell the goodness.
6. Pop it in the hot oven to blip away for 2 hours. Check on it after an hour, and add a splash of water if it looks a bit dry. (Which I did....used the tomato can, so about 14 oz)
This was SOOO GOOD! Even Adam, the worlds biggest chili lover was totally satisfied.
Here are some more save money and time tips to make this dish -
- Make it ahead of time and crock pot it all day.
- Instead of canned tomatoes, use those chopped fresh tomatoes you gather last summer and have in the freezer (don't forget to plant your tomato plant this summer!)
- Use that left over Thanksgiving turkey you put in a ziplock in the freezer
- We actually used 1 lb. ground turkey I had got on sale a while back - worked perfect!
- Instead of canned beans, use the long soaking beans that you made up awhile back and froze
- Use this recipe as a just a base...to quote Jamie, "Try to think of this recipe as a principle, rather than something you have to follow really strictly. I want you to embrace your own leftovers so adjust the recipe accordingly. If you need to swap out some of the vegetables that’s fine, and different tinned or jarred beans will all work well too. I’ve given you a weight of turkey here, but you can use whatever you’ve got left over. It’s all about building up layers of flavour with the sweet vegetable base then turning whatever you add to it into a beautiful meal with great spice and attitude. It’s brilliant with steamed rice, or rolled up in warmed tortillas."
To see his actuall recipe go to: http://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/turkey-recipes/turkey-con-chilli
1. Preheat the oven to 350ºF.
2. Heat a few "lugs" of olive oil in a skillet on stove top at a medium heat.
2 peeled onions - roughly cut
1-2 carrots, peeled and roughly chopped
2 peppers (we had an orange and green), deseeded and roughly chopped
1 green chili pepper, deseeded and chopped - It made this chili B.I.L.M.S. for us (Brother in Law Marcus Style) which is spicy hot for Adam liking, hot enough for me as long as served with milk, but had to crack open an emergency can of chicken noodle soup for Emma! :) So use this ingredient to your family likin'!
Cook for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
3. Add:
diced celery (around two stalks)
1 tsp. Cumin
1 heaping tsp of Paprika
Let it cook another 10 minutes until soft and delicious. Jamie also says, "Sometimes I like to add some honey and white wine vinegar at this point and let it cook for a couple of minutes. I find this adds a wonderful sheen and enhances the natural sweetness of the vegetables." So I did... add 1 heaping tsp of "runny" honey and 3 TBSP white wine vinegar (well, I used apple cider because that is all we had)
4. Take this awesome veggie mixture and put in deep casserole/cooking dish along with:
600 grams (according to google 400 grams is 14 oz.) of shredded turkey, roughly chopped
Good pinch of Sea Salt and fresh cracked peppercorns
3 cans (14 oz) chopped tomatoes
1 can (14 oz) butter beans or chickpeas, drained - we had neither so I used black beans
5. Stir it baby. Admire the colors. Smell the goodness.
6. Pop it in the hot oven to blip away for 2 hours. Check on it after an hour, and add a splash of water if it looks a bit dry. (Which I did....used the tomato can, so about 14 oz)
This was SOOO GOOD! Even Adam, the worlds biggest chili lover was totally satisfied.
Here are some more save money and time tips to make this dish -
- Make it ahead of time and crock pot it all day.
- Instead of canned tomatoes, use those chopped fresh tomatoes you gather last summer and have in the freezer (don't forget to plant your tomato plant this summer!)
- Use that left over Thanksgiving turkey you put in a ziplock in the freezer
- We actually used 1 lb. ground turkey I had got on sale a while back - worked perfect!
- Instead of canned beans, use the long soaking beans that you made up awhile back and froze
- Use this recipe as a just a base...to quote Jamie, "Try to think of this recipe as a principle, rather than something you have to follow really strictly. I want you to embrace your own leftovers so adjust the recipe accordingly. If you need to swap out some of the vegetables that’s fine, and different tinned or jarred beans will all work well too. I’ve given you a weight of turkey here, but you can use whatever you’ve got left over. It’s all about building up layers of flavour with the sweet vegetable base then turning whatever you add to it into a beautiful meal with great spice and attitude. It’s brilliant with steamed rice, or rolled up in warmed tortillas."
To see his actuall recipe go to: http://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/turkey-recipes/turkey-con-chilli
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Orange Chicken with Bulgur Pilaf
I have no idea what Bulgur Pilaf is, but this is a good healthy recipe, plus the leftover (if any) can make for a fun lunch the next day....keep reading - heck, print it out!
4 6oz organic boneless, skinless chicken breast
1 tsp. finely grater orange zest - right off the orange itself! (I used a cheese grater) :)
1/4 cup FRESH orange juice (took me around three oranges?)
6 scallions (or one diced onion)
3 TBSP chopped fresh oregano
3 TBSP plus 1 tsp olive oil
Sea Salt and ground black peppercorn
1 pint grape tomatoes, halved
1/2 cup pitted olives, halved (we didn't have any so ours was oliveless - still good though!)
1 cup bulgur wheat....ok so no idea what this is, so I used my brown rice in place of! :) (which was already made and taken out of freezer to unthaw in micro in matter of minutes!)
In large bowl toss chicken with the zest , half the scallions, 2 TBSP of the oregano, 1 TBSP of the oil and 1/2 tsp each of salt and pepper. Can marinate up to 1 day in advance.
In another bowl, combine the tomatoes, olives, 2 TBSP of oil, remaining scallions, remaining 1 TBSP of oregano, 1/2 salt and 1/4 tsp of pepper. This too can be made 1 day in advance.
Heat remaining olive oil in nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add the chicken and cook until golden, 8-10 minutes per side, adding orange juice during LAST minute.
Meanwhile, cook bulgur (or rice) as directed...toss with tomatoes mixure serve with chicken.
Ok so here is how it really went down for the Phipps family. I didn't read allllll the instructions first and combined everything in the chicken marinade including the orange juice. So when it came time to cook, I just had Adam grill it. Still good! However would really like to do the stove top way sometime again...think the orange flavor would come out more.
We also did not have the pint of tomatoes, so I used some frozen tomatoes that i had diced from last years garden tomatoes. See where that tomato plant comes in handy!!! Still good.
For a left over idea:
Take ground turkey and brown. Drain and put back in skillet....add "rice" mixtures along with diced peppers. Warm flavors. Open up whole grain wraps and sprinkle with torn up green lettuce pieces, add some scoops of the turkey/rice mixture, top with a TAD of cheese if your husband is Adam and can't live without, wrap it up, pin with toothpick and bake at 350 degrees for about 10-12 minutes. VERY fulfilling!!!!
We only had a 1/2 chicken breast left over from the top recipe, so Emma and I diced it up the next day, added some halved grapes, diced celery, cut up fresh oranges, tad of mayo, and pinch of cinnamon for a great tasting chicken salad....served on our green leafy lettuce and whole grain wrap.
Good recipe - its a keeper for us, hope you enjoy too. Love simple things....especially if they can be made ahead of time for those evenings you need to pull out something quick and easy!
4 6oz organic boneless, skinless chicken breast
1 tsp. finely grater orange zest - right off the orange itself! (I used a cheese grater) :)
1/4 cup FRESH orange juice (took me around three oranges?)
6 scallions (or one diced onion)
3 TBSP chopped fresh oregano
3 TBSP plus 1 tsp olive oil
Sea Salt and ground black peppercorn
1 pint grape tomatoes, halved
1/2 cup pitted olives, halved (we didn't have any so ours was oliveless - still good though!)
1 cup bulgur wheat....ok so no idea what this is, so I used my brown rice in place of! :) (which was already made and taken out of freezer to unthaw in micro in matter of minutes!)
In large bowl toss chicken with the zest , half the scallions, 2 TBSP of the oregano, 1 TBSP of the oil and 1/2 tsp each of salt and pepper. Can marinate up to 1 day in advance.
In another bowl, combine the tomatoes, olives, 2 TBSP of oil, remaining scallions, remaining 1 TBSP of oregano, 1/2 salt and 1/4 tsp of pepper. This too can be made 1 day in advance.
Heat remaining olive oil in nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add the chicken and cook until golden, 8-10 minutes per side, adding orange juice during LAST minute.
Meanwhile, cook bulgur (or rice) as directed...toss with tomatoes mixure serve with chicken.
Ok so here is how it really went down for the Phipps family. I didn't read allllll the instructions first and combined everything in the chicken marinade including the orange juice. So when it came time to cook, I just had Adam grill it. Still good! However would really like to do the stove top way sometime again...think the orange flavor would come out more.
We also did not have the pint of tomatoes, so I used some frozen tomatoes that i had diced from last years garden tomatoes. See where that tomato plant comes in handy!!! Still good.
For a left over idea:
Take ground turkey and brown. Drain and put back in skillet....add "rice" mixtures along with diced peppers. Warm flavors. Open up whole grain wraps and sprinkle with torn up green lettuce pieces, add some scoops of the turkey/rice mixture, top with a TAD of cheese if your husband is Adam and can't live without, wrap it up, pin with toothpick and bake at 350 degrees for about 10-12 minutes. VERY fulfilling!!!!
We only had a 1/2 chicken breast left over from the top recipe, so Emma and I diced it up the next day, added some halved grapes, diced celery, cut up fresh oranges, tad of mayo, and pinch of cinnamon for a great tasting chicken salad....served on our green leafy lettuce and whole grain wrap.
Good recipe - its a keeper for us, hope you enjoy too. Love simple things....especially if they can be made ahead of time for those evenings you need to pull out something quick and easy!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Concerning what our kids drink.
If anyone caught the last half of Jamie Oliver's show last Friday, you heard him go bananas over the posters in one school cafeteria. They were advertising and promoting chocolate and flavored milks. His comment was that chocolate and flavored milks (such as strawberry) have just as much sugar in them as soda, so why not put up posters promoting to our youth to drink up the soda! Good point, and in the end the cafeteria ladies took down the signs....they didn't think about the sugar content or put two and two together. See what education can do?!
Anyhow, on that note I am sitting here looking at the ingredients in McDonald's chocolate milk, there are in order: lowfat milk, HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP, SUGAR, cocoa, PROCESSED WITH ALKALI, skim milk, CARRAGEENAN, SALT, ARTIFICIAL FLAVOR, Vit A PALMITATE, vitamin D3.
YAK! That is some nasty stuff going into our kids!
I have to brag on my water drinking daughter. When at McDonalds, she even request it with her meal. How cool. So the question is, did we beat her? Of course not, we just never gave her the option when she was younger. We don't encourage it, or give it as an option to pick from. She doesn't care. She doesn't even ask for it. I love that. She is so awesome.
Read your ingredients my friends because we ARE what we eat,
Anyhow, on that note I am sitting here looking at the ingredients in McDonald's chocolate milk, there are in order: lowfat milk, HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP, SUGAR, cocoa, PROCESSED WITH ALKALI, skim milk, CARRAGEENAN, SALT, ARTIFICIAL FLAVOR, Vit A PALMITATE, vitamin D3.
YAK! That is some nasty stuff going into our kids!
I have to brag on my water drinking daughter. When at McDonalds, she even request it with her meal. How cool. So the question is, did we beat her? Of course not, we just never gave her the option when she was younger. We don't encourage it, or give it as an option to pick from. She doesn't care. She doesn't even ask for it. I love that. She is so awesome.
Read your ingredients my friends because we ARE what we eat,
Monday, April 26, 2010
Same info, different source....educate.
Today's Small Change: Get to know your ingredients.
Be Smart About What Goes In Your Cart
When you shop for groceries, you may consider health claims on the packages, like "fat free" or "sugar free." You may even look at the Nutrition Facts panel to see how many calories are in a serving. But most of the time, we tend to overlook a critical question about a particular food: What's in it? This week, make a small change in your grocery-shopping routine and read the ingredients lists on food labels to help yourself make educated decisions about what goes in your cart.
Many food products sold today are full of additives that can contribute to poor nutrition. For example, refined sugar is packed into many "healthy" foods, like cereals and flavored yogurts, providing empty calories with no nutritional benefits. So do yourself a favor and watch out for it on the ingredients list, where ingredients are listed in order of quantity, from most to least. Avoid products in which added sugar (also called high-fructose corn syrup, dextrose, glucose, cane sugar, and corn syrup) is one of the first ingredients. Also watch out for artificial sweeteners, which are not necessarily safe in excessive amounts.
Many processed foods on the market today also contain way too much added salt, which can lead to high blood pressure and other health problems. So read labels before you buy canned, frozen, and packaged goods, and look for lower-sodium varieties.
Another ingredient to watch out for is "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" oil, which signifies the presence of trans fat, the worst type of fat for your heart. Look for products with zero grams of trans fat on the Nutrition Facts panel.
In fact, when shopping, a good rule of thumb is to go for the food products with the fewest ingredients — and ideally, only ingredients that you recognize and can pronounce!
From today's newletter at Healthy Living with Elli Krieger - Sign up for helpful tips at: http://www.healthylivingwithellie.com/online-program/customized-plan.aspx
Be Smart About What Goes In Your Cart
When you shop for groceries, you may consider health claims on the packages, like "fat free" or "sugar free." You may even look at the Nutrition Facts panel to see how many calories are in a serving. But most of the time, we tend to overlook a critical question about a particular food: What's in it? This week, make a small change in your grocery-shopping routine and read the ingredients lists on food labels to help yourself make educated decisions about what goes in your cart.
Many food products sold today are full of additives that can contribute to poor nutrition. For example, refined sugar is packed into many "healthy" foods, like cereals and flavored yogurts, providing empty calories with no nutritional benefits. So do yourself a favor and watch out for it on the ingredients list, where ingredients are listed in order of quantity, from most to least. Avoid products in which added sugar (also called high-fructose corn syrup, dextrose, glucose, cane sugar, and corn syrup) is one of the first ingredients. Also watch out for artificial sweeteners, which are not necessarily safe in excessive amounts.
Many processed foods on the market today also contain way too much added salt, which can lead to high blood pressure and other health problems. So read labels before you buy canned, frozen, and packaged goods, and look for lower-sodium varieties.
Another ingredient to watch out for is "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" oil, which signifies the presence of trans fat, the worst type of fat for your heart. Look for products with zero grams of trans fat on the Nutrition Facts panel.
In fact, when shopping, a good rule of thumb is to go for the food products with the fewest ingredients — and ideally, only ingredients that you recognize and can pronounce!
From today's newletter at Healthy Living with Elli Krieger - Sign up for helpful tips at: http://www.healthylivingwithellie.com/online-program/customized-plan.aspx
Saturday, April 24, 2010
It only takes 30 Seconds - PLEASE.
Click. Go. Add your name. That simple.
Also check out the full episodes, recipes, facts, and how you can make a difference.
It's a revolution, baby.
Now what are you waiting for?
Click. Go. Add your name. That simple.
Also check out the full episodes, recipes, facts, and how you can make a difference.
It's a revolution, baby.
Now what are you waiting for?
Friday, April 23, 2010
Fun Fact Friday already?!
Where did the week go?
1. Next week will be recipe week - keep posted for some good ones I've been collecting!
2. Trader Joe Organic Frozen Super Sweet Cut Corn update - LOVE IT! Seriously, this is the BEST corn we have ever had next to getting it straight out of the garden. Even my husband announced at supper it was way better than any can of corn. It is super sweet just as if it came right off the cob.....but with no added sugar or anything. We love it. Reminds me of the corn we ate during the winter time growing up (my mom and grandma spent their summers cutting off the garden sweet corn into baggies and freezing - but they added sugar and butter!)
3. Feeling sluggish? Did you know that can be a sign you need more water. Good 'ol water. So go grab a glass and fuel up!
4. And the fabulous Friday fact.....I have hit the third trimester with the baby. WOO-HOO! Amazing. Totally amazing.
Congrats to Robert, Carrie and big brother Jackson in CA on the arrival of Katelynn Rose....all are healthy and doing well. Safe travels to proud grandparents, Kaye and George!!
1. Next week will be recipe week - keep posted for some good ones I've been collecting!
2. Trader Joe Organic Frozen Super Sweet Cut Corn update - LOVE IT! Seriously, this is the BEST corn we have ever had next to getting it straight out of the garden. Even my husband announced at supper it was way better than any can of corn. It is super sweet just as if it came right off the cob.....but with no added sugar or anything. We love it. Reminds me of the corn we ate during the winter time growing up (my mom and grandma spent their summers cutting off the garden sweet corn into baggies and freezing - but they added sugar and butter!)
3. Feeling sluggish? Did you know that can be a sign you need more water. Good 'ol water. So go grab a glass and fuel up!
4. And the fabulous Friday fact.....I have hit the third trimester with the baby. WOO-HOO! Amazing. Totally amazing.
Congrats to Robert, Carrie and big brother Jackson in CA on the arrival of Katelynn Rose....all are healthy and doing well. Safe travels to proud grandparents, Kaye and George!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Congrats and Thanks Dr. Moore
A big congrats to Dr. Moore of Amerihealth Chiropractic in Polaris Center, OH - He ran the BOSTON MARATHON yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.bostonmarathon.org/2010/cf/public/ResultsSearch.cfm?mode=results to see his finishing time!
Dr. Moore has been such a big inspiration for me the past year. I was truly blessed to have called his office "to see if the accepted our insurance". With the wonderful plans God has for us, they did. Only going there was I able to get the encouragement and tools I needed to be were I am today. Thank you so much Dr. Moore for giving me hope.
Check out http://www.dr4health.com/bio.php to get a glimpse of his beliefs. This is not your typical "back cracker idea" that most have of chiropractic care. So much more. I wish so bad he would move his office to Zionsville, IN!!!!! :) If you live in Ohio, I HIGHLY recommend you get a free consult with him to talk health vision. He is a wonderful resource and encourager....and a runner. Wow. He is also a man that serves his Lord first and foremost....how can you beat that resume?
Congrats again, Dr. Moore.....and to all your office - you ARE changing the lives of people.
Dr. Moore has been such a big inspiration for me the past year. I was truly blessed to have called his office "to see if the accepted our insurance". With the wonderful plans God has for us, they did. Only going there was I able to get the encouragement and tools I needed to be were I am today. Thank you so much Dr. Moore for giving me hope.
Check out http://www.dr4health.com/bio.php to get a glimpse of his beliefs. This is not your typical "back cracker idea" that most have of chiropractic care. So much more. I wish so bad he would move his office to Zionsville, IN!!!!! :) If you live in Ohio, I HIGHLY recommend you get a free consult with him to talk health vision. He is a wonderful resource and encourager....and a runner. Wow. He is also a man that serves his Lord first and foremost....how can you beat that resume?
Congrats again, Dr. Moore.....and to all your office - you ARE changing the lives of people.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Save some money and try something new....
No secret my feelings on organic milk....I have made a vow to my family to not let conventional milk in our fridge as long as I can prevent it. Also no secret organic milk is quite a bit more expensive. This is where as a family we have made the choice to give up other processed food items and rather use the money towards something we strongly believe will help our health.
Annnnnyhow, as I checked out of Kroger the other week, I was checking out the printed out coupons that came with my receipt. There was a FREE 1/2 gallon of Almond Milk. Cool. I love free. So I tried it. Here is what I found out.....
Two kinds, regular and vanilla. I got vanilla. Taste was very sweet, somewhat different than milk, so would not just want to drink it alone in a glass - BUT we LOVE LOVE it on our cereal or in our smoothies! It is very low in calories, just as much calcium and vit. D as milk, plus it has NO saturated fat, NO cholesterol and NO lactose or soy. It really agrees with my body!
So in the end the price of this Pure Almond Milk (which by the way is loaded with antioxidants) is cheaper than organic regular milk....so my thought - buy this to use on cereal and smoothies, and just buy the organic milk to use as drinking. Every little cut in change makes a difference in our monthly envelopes - hope this can help you.
Plus it sounds pretty nutritious!
CA Baby girl arrived yesterday evening!!!! No name yet, but all sounds healthy - praise God!
Annnnnyhow, as I checked out of Kroger the other week, I was checking out the printed out coupons that came with my receipt. There was a FREE 1/2 gallon of Almond Milk. Cool. I love free. So I tried it. Here is what I found out.....
Two kinds, regular and vanilla. I got vanilla. Taste was very sweet, somewhat different than milk, so would not just want to drink it alone in a glass - BUT we LOVE LOVE it on our cereal or in our smoothies! It is very low in calories, just as much calcium and vit. D as milk, plus it has NO saturated fat, NO cholesterol and NO lactose or soy. It really agrees with my body!
So in the end the price of this Pure Almond Milk (which by the way is loaded with antioxidants) is cheaper than organic regular milk....so my thought - buy this to use on cereal and smoothies, and just buy the organic milk to use as drinking. Every little cut in change makes a difference in our monthly envelopes - hope this can help you.
Plus it sounds pretty nutritious!
CA Baby girl arrived yesterday evening!!!! No name yet, but all sounds healthy - praise God!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Keep it up!
Kudos to Adam's cousin Julie here in Zionsville. I just saw her toady and we were chatting about the joys of eating healthy. She has become a fan of eating healthy, more natural, no preservatives, and gave up soda.....in return she looks fab! Since Jan, 17 pounds GONE, sleeping better, more energy, and other health issues G-O-N-E. I love hearing these testimonies! She is introducing her new life to her family too, wonderful!
Way to go Julie - thanks for being my inspiration and encouragement today (and thanks for watching Emma this morning too)!
Who's next with a wonderful story like this????
PS - Our Wienbach Girl, Carrie is officially in labor in CA - water broke earlier this morning....awaiting the news! YEAH!
Way to go Julie - thanks for being my inspiration and encouragement today (and thanks for watching Emma this morning too)!
Who's next with a wonderful story like this????
PS - Our Wienbach Girl, Carrie is officially in labor in CA - water broke earlier this morning....awaiting the news! YEAH!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Fun Fact Friday
Environmental toxins are often bad news for your liver. But you could safeguard your health by eating spinach. Chlorophyll and chlorophyllin, two substances found in spinach and other leafy greens, may help reduce the body's absorption of aflatoxin, a common but potentially harmful type of environmental toxin.
Studies have shown organic produce to be higher in anti-oxidants; vitamins and minerals (thank you to The Organic Center for your vigilant scientific research) and organic diary, meat and eggs have fewer hormones, antibiotics and pesticide residues (yes, pesticides are found in meat because cattle are eating feed laden with them).
Eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive...check out "Healthy Cooking on the Cheap: Springtime Split Pea Soup, Egg Salad With Carrot Fries, and Health(ier) Brownies
Grocery lists and easy weeknight recipes from a culinary pro" http://eating.health.com/2010/04/14/split-pea-soup-with-egg/
And Friday's most Fantastic Fact MANGOES....did you know mangoes are the world's number one consumed fruit and are gaining popularity in the USA? Oh yes! There are over 41 species and 1,100 varieties - so eat up my friends - these things are G-O-O-D and an excellent source of vitamins A & C!
Aren't Friday's Fabulous?
Studies have shown organic produce to be higher in anti-oxidants; vitamins and minerals (thank you to The Organic Center for your vigilant scientific research) and organic diary, meat and eggs have fewer hormones, antibiotics and pesticide residues (yes, pesticides are found in meat because cattle are eating feed laden with them).
Eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive...check out "Healthy Cooking on the Cheap: Springtime Split Pea Soup, Egg Salad With Carrot Fries, and Health(ier) Brownies
Grocery lists and easy weeknight recipes from a culinary pro" http://eating.health.com/2010/04/14/split-pea-soup-with-egg/
And Friday's most Fantastic Fact MANGOES....did you know mangoes are the world's number one consumed fruit and are gaining popularity in the USA? Oh yes! There are over 41 species and 1,100 varieties - so eat up my friends - these things are G-O-O-D and an excellent source of vitamins A & C!
Aren't Friday's Fabulous?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
...don't know much about it, but learning the great value it has. And who doesn't have ten minutes before bed for a few poses that could make life so much better?!!?
Check out:
Thanks Mel for this link!
Check out:
Thanks Mel for this link!
Trader Joe findings...
Ok, friends. I did some more research and have a few new finding to share.
Sunday I was able to spend over an hour at our Trader Joe grocery and then the next two hours at Kroger - comparing prices, checking out selection, etc. Here is what I found hope it can help you.
1. Yogurt. This is something I now like to buy organic knowing what I know about dairy products. Trader Joes has a MUCH bigger selection/flavors (and by flavor, i mean real fruit, not the kid's Dora explorer add dye/sugar and call it cotton candy). When it came to price Trader Joes small individual cups were 80-90cents each, keep in mind they were organic. Kroger's regular ones cost less than 40 cents. However, when it came to the 32 oz. tub, TJ had more variety and price was $2.99. Kroger has two flavors of organic in a tub and it is $3.99. I go with TJ tubs, and when home put them in individual serving size containers - easy for Adam to grab for lunch, and Emma and I to grab for a snack.
2. Frozen fruit. My main find was blueberries. I prefer the organic wild berries (smaller size berry and packed with more nutritional punch). They are $2.99 at TJ for a pound. Per ounce this has been the cheapest i have found in any grocery store including Meijers, Marsh and Giant Eagle. The other frozen fruits seemed to nickle and dime it against Krogers, however there was a bigger selection of organic at TJ.
3. Frozen veggies. Didn't spend a whole lot of time in this section just because it wasn't on my list of needs this time around. but i did pick up a couple bags of organic corn at TJ $1.69....Kroger had it on sale for a dine cheaper. Some veggies I don't go organic on do to the pesticides usage such as broccoli, so definitely cheaper at Kroger when the 10 for $10 sale comes around.
4. Fresh fruit/veggies. This was a toughie. Being my first time to really check out TJ, I was a little confused on the way their signs were marked. They do carry conventional produce as well as organic. A bigger selection of organic when it comes to comparison to Kroger (unless you live in Powell OH - that Kroger rocks the world on organic produce!) TJ did have organic carrots for 89 cents/lb...i liked the idea of that and red bell peppers 2 pack for $2.99. I did pick up a bag of organic pears at TJ for $2.29 for 2 lbs....Kroger regular pears were $3.38 for 2 lbs! I got a pineapple at TJ for $3.99, Krogers was $4.19.
Overall observation - TJ has more organic selections and the organic prices seem comparable if not cheaper than regular grocery. However when it comes to regular conventional produce SOME of Kroger seemed to win on price.....I'll keep my broccoli buying there. :)
5. Milk. You know my feeling on organic milk! I know those signs they have now in the grocery say the FDA has no found evidence that the hormone added makes a difference, but the FDA hasn't meet me, now have they! ;) Anyhow, a big encourager of ALL organic dairy, this is what I found. TJ's gallons are $6, which is exactly what Kroger will run sales for. Kroger will also put their 1/2 gallons down to $2.50 many times as well. I also have found myself finding coupons for the brands that Kroger carries. TJ is their own brand so no coupon madness there.
6. BRAWK! Chicken time. Well kids, I must admit, I find nothing but disappointment here after living in OH. Kroger in OH carries its own brand of locally grown chicken and many times would put it on manager's special near exp. date for $3.50 lb. That is when I would buy it ALL and freeze. I can not find that here - ANYWHERE. i have been to two Marsh's, three different Krogers, and Meijers. All have the wimpest (if any) selection of organic chicken and it is all expensive - like $6-7 lb. TJ did have a nice selection....$7 lb which didn't float my boat, but it just means I must manage my other purchases better to compensate. TJ did have "natural" chick breast indivual wrapped for $5.49 lb. Now, still learning, but I am not a fan of "natural" chicken. The packaging claims no MSGs or hormones added to the animals. That is good, but it still doesn't take out the bad estrogen and hormones in grain given to the chickens. However TJ's "natural" chicken did say it was vegetarian feed - so that made me feel better and I bought it. I will not buy the Perdue/Tyson all natural in regular stores. Personal opinion, I guess. Just a HUGE advocate of organic....totally worth the price for my family.
7. Misc. Overall, TJ seemed like a small store, but was packed with selection. I picked up some brown rice spaghetti ($1.99) just out of curiosity and a switch from our Kroger Whole grain spaghetti ($1.45). TJ has a very wide variety of organics and all natural items where Kroger is limited.....but then again, it would depend how much organic you buy to make the $$ worth it.
Overall price - I think there are definite items I will stop at TJ to buy, however it is conveniently located next to my Kroger. If it is out of your way, you may want to consider the worth/value of driving there. Prices did seem cheaper at TJ's, however I am a HUGE coupon fan of Kroger and you just can't beat that many times on conventional items. (not to mention Kroger send you free coupons quarterly for regular purchased items - they are the only store that tracks what you buy)
Hope this can help some of you busy moms (or dads) and give you an insight. Please comment any additional info that we can all share!
Whole foods is my next investigation - CAN'T WAIT!!! They are huge!!!! I will take full notes and report back - let me know if there is a specific item you want me to check out - I'll do it!
Sunday I was able to spend over an hour at our Trader Joe grocery and then the next two hours at Kroger - comparing prices, checking out selection, etc. Here is what I found hope it can help you.
1. Yogurt. This is something I now like to buy organic knowing what I know about dairy products. Trader Joes has a MUCH bigger selection/flavors (and by flavor, i mean real fruit, not the kid's Dora explorer add dye/sugar and call it cotton candy). When it came to price Trader Joes small individual cups were 80-90cents each, keep in mind they were organic. Kroger's regular ones cost less than 40 cents. However, when it came to the 32 oz. tub, TJ had more variety and price was $2.99. Kroger has two flavors of organic in a tub and it is $3.99. I go with TJ tubs, and when home put them in individual serving size containers - easy for Adam to grab for lunch, and Emma and I to grab for a snack.
2. Frozen fruit. My main find was blueberries. I prefer the organic wild berries (smaller size berry and packed with more nutritional punch). They are $2.99 at TJ for a pound. Per ounce this has been the cheapest i have found in any grocery store including Meijers, Marsh and Giant Eagle. The other frozen fruits seemed to nickle and dime it against Krogers, however there was a bigger selection of organic at TJ.
3. Frozen veggies. Didn't spend a whole lot of time in this section just because it wasn't on my list of needs this time around. but i did pick up a couple bags of organic corn at TJ $1.69....Kroger had it on sale for a dine cheaper. Some veggies I don't go organic on do to the pesticides usage such as broccoli, so definitely cheaper at Kroger when the 10 for $10 sale comes around.
4. Fresh fruit/veggies. This was a toughie. Being my first time to really check out TJ, I was a little confused on the way their signs were marked. They do carry conventional produce as well as organic. A bigger selection of organic when it comes to comparison to Kroger (unless you live in Powell OH - that Kroger rocks the world on organic produce!) TJ did have organic carrots for 89 cents/lb...i liked the idea of that and red bell peppers 2 pack for $2.99. I did pick up a bag of organic pears at TJ for $2.29 for 2 lbs....Kroger regular pears were $3.38 for 2 lbs! I got a pineapple at TJ for $3.99, Krogers was $4.19.
Overall observation - TJ has more organic selections and the organic prices seem comparable if not cheaper than regular grocery. However when it comes to regular conventional produce SOME of Kroger seemed to win on price.....I'll keep my broccoli buying there. :)
5. Milk. You know my feeling on organic milk! I know those signs they have now in the grocery say the FDA has no found evidence that the hormone added makes a difference, but the FDA hasn't meet me, now have they! ;) Anyhow, a big encourager of ALL organic dairy, this is what I found. TJ's gallons are $6, which is exactly what Kroger will run sales for. Kroger will also put their 1/2 gallons down to $2.50 many times as well. I also have found myself finding coupons for the brands that Kroger carries. TJ is their own brand so no coupon madness there.
6. BRAWK! Chicken time. Well kids, I must admit, I find nothing but disappointment here after living in OH. Kroger in OH carries its own brand of locally grown chicken and many times would put it on manager's special near exp. date for $3.50 lb. That is when I would buy it ALL and freeze. I can not find that here - ANYWHERE. i have been to two Marsh's, three different Krogers, and Meijers. All have the wimpest (if any) selection of organic chicken and it is all expensive - like $6-7 lb. TJ did have a nice selection....$7 lb which didn't float my boat, but it just means I must manage my other purchases better to compensate. TJ did have "natural" chick breast indivual wrapped for $5.49 lb. Now, still learning, but I am not a fan of "natural" chicken. The packaging claims no MSGs or hormones added to the animals. That is good, but it still doesn't take out the bad estrogen and hormones in grain given to the chickens. However TJ's "natural" chicken did say it was vegetarian feed - so that made me feel better and I bought it. I will not buy the Perdue/Tyson all natural in regular stores. Personal opinion, I guess. Just a HUGE advocate of organic....totally worth the price for my family.
7. Misc. Overall, TJ seemed like a small store, but was packed with selection. I picked up some brown rice spaghetti ($1.99) just out of curiosity and a switch from our Kroger Whole grain spaghetti ($1.45). TJ has a very wide variety of organics and all natural items where Kroger is limited.....but then again, it would depend how much organic you buy to make the $$ worth it.
Overall price - I think there are definite items I will stop at TJ to buy, however it is conveniently located next to my Kroger. If it is out of your way, you may want to consider the worth/value of driving there. Prices did seem cheaper at TJ's, however I am a HUGE coupon fan of Kroger and you just can't beat that many times on conventional items. (not to mention Kroger send you free coupons quarterly for regular purchased items - they are the only store that tracks what you buy)
Hope this can help some of you busy moms (or dads) and give you an insight. Please comment any additional info that we can all share!
Whole foods is my next investigation - CAN'T WAIT!!! They are huge!!!! I will take full notes and report back - let me know if there is a specific item you want me to check out - I'll do it!
This week's small change...
Pick three things on your normal grocery list and don't buy them. Examples: Mac n Cheese, crackers, chips, frozen pizza, pop tarts, anything in a jar or box! :) And instead take the extra money and put it towards some good fruit and veggies.
Try a plum, avocado, mango, pineapple, celery, pears, eggplant, etc.
Trying new things has been a hurdle for me to jump! Once I did, I am now addicted though. Who knew this stuff was GOOD! And now I love hearing my daughter say at 3:00 in the afternoon, "Mom, can I have pear for a snack?" I can not but help to think how different her life will be than the child that gets a prepackaged cheese and cracker snack. hmmmmmm........
Small changes make BIG differences,
Try a plum, avocado, mango, pineapple, celery, pears, eggplant, etc.
Trying new things has been a hurdle for me to jump! Once I did, I am now addicted though. Who knew this stuff was GOOD! And now I love hearing my daughter say at 3:00 in the afternoon, "Mom, can I have pear for a snack?" I can not but help to think how different her life will be than the child that gets a prepackaged cheese and cracker snack. hmmmmmm........
Small changes make BIG differences,
....so some new readers out there (go ahead sign up to be a follower - and all comments welcome!)
This blog was originally designed for five college roommates - aka Weinbach Girls - to encourage each other to run a 5K. Even though they are states aways, the connection between them is amazing.
Once fall passed, four of the five Weinbacher's became pregnant....including me, Jill. Even though the 5K was completed, being pregnant put a kink in continuing the running. That is when the blog became more of a resource to get healthy, how to do it, recipes, and tips to shopping/saving money for good healthy food.
I am a stay-at-home mom, who has been through A LOT with her health and am soooooo happy to share the results. I am not a doctor, and will never profess to be, but everything I post has a source to it.....and 99% of the time it is info that I have heard multiple places! i know my Weinbach girls are extremely busy with their jobs and kids, so this blog is quick info to help them lead a busy, but healthy, life. I hope it can help you too.
Just some things you might find:
1. Organic - what to buy, what not to buy
2. Healthy fast food places
3. Exercise tips
4. The healing power of food
5. Losing the weight and all the benefits
6. Encouragement, Encouragement, Encouragement
Enjoy. I try to post daily, but as you can see that doesn't happen....will work on that. ;)
This blog was originally designed for five college roommates - aka Weinbach Girls - to encourage each other to run a 5K. Even though they are states aways, the connection between them is amazing.
Once fall passed, four of the five Weinbacher's became pregnant....including me, Jill. Even though the 5K was completed, being pregnant put a kink in continuing the running. That is when the blog became more of a resource to get healthy, how to do it, recipes, and tips to shopping/saving money for good healthy food.
I am a stay-at-home mom, who has been through A LOT with her health and am soooooo happy to share the results. I am not a doctor, and will never profess to be, but everything I post has a source to it.....and 99% of the time it is info that I have heard multiple places! i know my Weinbach girls are extremely busy with their jobs and kids, so this blog is quick info to help them lead a busy, but healthy, life. I hope it can help you too.
Just some things you might find:
1. Organic - what to buy, what not to buy
2. Healthy fast food places
3. Exercise tips
4. The healing power of food
5. Losing the weight and all the benefits
6. Encouragement, Encouragement, Encouragement
Enjoy. I try to post daily, but as you can see that doesn't happen....will work on that. ;)
Monday, April 12, 2010
And the preacher speaks.
In our church hopping days, this Sunday was "ok", however one point in the sermon did stick with me.
"Do not expect circumstantial changes as a Christian." This was proceeded with the explanation on how many times we ask Jesus to "help fix our circumstances" in life. Should we really expect or even dare ask Jesus to help us fix the problem? Further explained that we should take a hard core look in the mirror and take the energy to prevent the circumstances from accruing. Jesus doesn't work for us, we should work for Jesus......don't count on Jesus, He is counting on you!
Ok - so paraphrased a bit to shorten the point....and obviously can relate to the prevention of many of life's encounters.
For me - I see myself in that picture. Two years ago, I was desperately seeking Jesus to "fix me". It wasn't until this past year that the "look in the mirror" let me take the step to do something for myself. Today I can see my efforts have 100 times over paid off.
And in the end, I know without a doubt, that Jesus was coaching all the while.
Could there be some encouragement to know that we have the chioce - instead of praying for the health issues after we get them, but rather do the steps to prevent them from occuring.
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strenth.
"Do not expect circumstantial changes as a Christian." This was proceeded with the explanation on how many times we ask Jesus to "help fix our circumstances" in life. Should we really expect or even dare ask Jesus to help us fix the problem? Further explained that we should take a hard core look in the mirror and take the energy to prevent the circumstances from accruing. Jesus doesn't work for us, we should work for Jesus......don't count on Jesus, He is counting on you!
Ok - so paraphrased a bit to shorten the point....and obviously can relate to the prevention of many of life's encounters.
For me - I see myself in that picture. Two years ago, I was desperately seeking Jesus to "fix me". It wasn't until this past year that the "look in the mirror" let me take the step to do something for myself. Today I can see my efforts have 100 times over paid off.
And in the end, I know without a doubt, that Jesus was coaching all the while.
Could there be some encouragement to know that we have the chioce - instead of praying for the health issues after we get them, but rather do the steps to prevent them from occuring.
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strenth.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Going strong....
So today didn't exactly go as planned. The yard was desperately needing mowed and Adam had been getting the mower ready. Three, two, one....ewwwww, leaking gas...not good. So in the midst of getting everything fixed, more broke and the mower was on the truck bed headed to town with a very dirty Adam.
What to do, what to do? So I pulled out the push mower, checked the oil, filled it up with gas and was off. Started like a charm...well, a good few pulls, charm.
Now how lovely for all the passing neighbors to see the "newbies" mowing their 1.25 acre yard with a push mower....powered by a 6 month preggo lady! I am sure it was a sight to see!
By the time Adam got back home, I had almost competed the entire front and part of back....half the yard, I would say. Feeling good. I absolutely LOVE working in fresh air....always have. And what better way to get in that good 'ol exercise for the day. I am sure baby was lovin' it.
Hello Spring - glad you're back.
PS - You know your friends are golden, that when you have lunch with them at Subway and your daughter only eats half her tuna sandwich so you stick it in your purse to take home....and then at 6:30 that evening your friend text you to take it out and put in fridge. Love ya, Sham! :)
What to do, what to do? So I pulled out the push mower, checked the oil, filled it up with gas and was off. Started like a charm...well, a good few pulls, charm.
Now how lovely for all the passing neighbors to see the "newbies" mowing their 1.25 acre yard with a push mower....powered by a 6 month preggo lady! I am sure it was a sight to see!
By the time Adam got back home, I had almost competed the entire front and part of back....half the yard, I would say. Feeling good. I absolutely LOVE working in fresh air....always have. And what better way to get in that good 'ol exercise for the day. I am sure baby was lovin' it.
Hello Spring - glad you're back.
PS - You know your friends are golden, that when you have lunch with them at Subway and your daughter only eats half her tuna sandwich so you stick it in your purse to take home....and then at 6:30 that evening your friend text you to take it out and put in fridge. Love ya, Sham! :)
Thursday, April 8, 2010
So here I am, gas out the wa-zoo, constipated beyond belief, tired and just spent OVER and hour on the phone with *$#&!#* Verizon Internet customer service over our last and final bill from OH....you know the bill you pay and keep getting late statements for.
After six representatives that transferred me and an hour of their crappy elevator music (not to mention the annoying lady that kept telling me my call was important) I broke down in tears - apparently the non-English-speaking person felt sorry for me and told me in three seconds "uh, yes mam, you show zero balance, no more to pay."
Thank you non-English-speaking man. Thank you.
So is there any food/nutrition out there that can make me feel better at this moment. Doubt it. Crap and we are out of the chocolate Easter Candy.
Deep breath Jill, deep breath. So help me if we ever move again.
Lets hear it for the 1985 Barbie Patio and Pool set that I got for Christmas several years ago and my mom kept - pulled it out today for Emma's entertainment while I on the phone. She's so good.
And yes, just in case you are wondering, it is possible to hold a phone, press the "closely listened to menu options" numbers, AND dress a Barbie into her finest bathing suit.
Chocolate. I need chocolate. And probably some more plum juice.
After six representatives that transferred me and an hour of their crappy elevator music (not to mention the annoying lady that kept telling me my call was important) I broke down in tears - apparently the non-English-speaking person felt sorry for me and told me in three seconds "uh, yes mam, you show zero balance, no more to pay."
Thank you non-English-speaking man. Thank you.
So is there any food/nutrition out there that can make me feel better at this moment. Doubt it. Crap and we are out of the chocolate Easter Candy.
Deep breath Jill, deep breath. So help me if we ever move again.
Lets hear it for the 1985 Barbie Patio and Pool set that I got for Christmas several years ago and my mom kept - pulled it out today for Emma's entertainment while I on the phone. She's so good.
And yes, just in case you are wondering, it is possible to hold a phone, press the "closely listened to menu options" numbers, AND dress a Barbie into her finest bathing suit.
Chocolate. I need chocolate. And probably some more plum juice.
Good stuff. Educate and spread the word.
Environmental Toxins & Your Health
Environmental toxins are everywhere and the majority of them are found in products that we come into contact with on a daily basis. It would be difficult to safe-guard ourselves against them all, but a good place to start would be to avoid consumer-based products that have been found to contain high levels of hormone-mimicking chemicals such as bisphenol A (BPA), phthalates, PVC, and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB). Traces of these “hormone disruptors” have been found in a variety of products that many of us use on a frequent basis, such as plastic water bottles, chemical-based cosmetics, canned goods, household cleaning products and scented candles.
These toxins eventually build up within glandular tissues, and oftentimes interfere with the production and function of key hormones such as cortisol, insulin, testosterone, progesterone and estrogen. Many of these environmental toxins accelerate the body’s aging process and significantly increase the risk for a wide range of health challenges, including diabetes, adrenal fatigue, obesity, heart disease and macular degeneration.We’re not only polluting our environment with these toxins, we’re polluting our own bodies. I recommend limiting your exposure to the following products to avoid the negative impacts on your health:
Plastic Water Bottles – Plastic water bottles and other various soft plastics are manufactured using an organic compound known as bisphenol A (BPA). BPA acts as an estrogen in the human body and eventually disrupts the balance between estrogen, progesterone and testosterone in the body.
Scented Products – This isn’t limited to scented candles and aerosol air fresheners – we’re talking about laundry and dish washing detergents, deodorants, perfumes and colognes as well as many hair styling products such as gels, sprays and dyes. Many of these products contain phthalates – chemicals that disrupt the production and function of sex hormones, oftentimes leading to erectile dysfunction in men and low libido in women.
Antibacterial Products – Not all bacteria is bad. We rely on specific microorganisms – “good” bacteria – to ward off the bad. Using antibacterial and antimicrobial products on a regular basis can actually make us more susceptible to foreign pathogens and infection. Additionally, ingredients used in the manufacture of antibacterial products can disrupt hormonal balance.
Household Cleansers – The average household contains at least 20 toxic chemicals. In an overkill effort to rid our homes of dirt, grime and bacteria, we contaminate our homes and can make our families and ourselves sick. The Children’s Health Environmental Coalition has singled out bleach as the most harmful chemical lurking in our homes. When mixed with acidic cleansers, such as ammonia, bleach reacts violently, emitting toxic gas, similar to mustard gas.
Smoking – Did you know that as little as one cigarette can raise your risk of developing lung cancer? It’s true. Just think what a pack a day could do to us in the long run. Smoking leads to the oxidization of the body’s cells and in addition to raising one’s risk of lung and throat cancer, smoking also increases the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and heart disease. Smokers aren’t the only ones at risk either - the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that 3,000 non-smokers die of lung cancer each year as a direct result of secondhand smoke.
The Organic DifferenceThe word “organic” refers to the agricultural methods that farmers use to cultivate fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products and meat. “Organic” practices are designed to conserve water and reduce environmental toxins and pollution. Not only do organic foods oftentimes taste better, they’re also a whole lot better for you – here are some reasons why:
Fertilization - Instead of using chemical-based fertilizers, organic agriculture uses manure or compost to enrich the plants and soil with their necessary nutrients. Many of the chemicals used for fertilization contain a variety of toxic substances that oftentimes end up contaminating the crops.
Synthetic Hormones – Conventional farmers use a long list of synthetic hormones to spur the growth of their livestock and expedite the animals’ development. Synthetic hormones disrupt the production and function of our natural hormones and on the long-term can cause hormonal imbalances, including thyroid disease and metabolic disorders.
Antibiotics – Farmers use antibiotics to ward off infection and disease in their livestock. The trouble is many of these antibiotics have a similar effect to that of synthetic hormones. Farmers need to use large quantities of antibiotics to offset the many health risks that oftentimes accompany the overcrowded living conditions that the animals are accustomed to.
Organic Certified Feed – The majority of cattle, chickens and other farm-raised animals are fed nothing but corn-based feed - which has little nutritional value. Organic farmers feed their animals only Organic Certified Feed – meaning that it contains at least 95 percent ORGANIC ingredients. Organic feed provides the animals with the nutrients and vitamins that they require for optimal development.
Source: BodyLogic MD
Environmental toxins are everywhere and the majority of them are found in products that we come into contact with on a daily basis. It would be difficult to safe-guard ourselves against them all, but a good place to start would be to avoid consumer-based products that have been found to contain high levels of hormone-mimicking chemicals such as bisphenol A (BPA), phthalates, PVC, and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB). Traces of these “hormone disruptors” have been found in a variety of products that many of us use on a frequent basis, such as plastic water bottles, chemical-based cosmetics, canned goods, household cleaning products and scented candles.
These toxins eventually build up within glandular tissues, and oftentimes interfere with the production and function of key hormones such as cortisol, insulin, testosterone, progesterone and estrogen. Many of these environmental toxins accelerate the body’s aging process and significantly increase the risk for a wide range of health challenges, including diabetes, adrenal fatigue, obesity, heart disease and macular degeneration.We’re not only polluting our environment with these toxins, we’re polluting our own bodies. I recommend limiting your exposure to the following products to avoid the negative impacts on your health:
Plastic Water Bottles – Plastic water bottles and other various soft plastics are manufactured using an organic compound known as bisphenol A (BPA). BPA acts as an estrogen in the human body and eventually disrupts the balance between estrogen, progesterone and testosterone in the body.
Scented Products – This isn’t limited to scented candles and aerosol air fresheners – we’re talking about laundry and dish washing detergents, deodorants, perfumes and colognes as well as many hair styling products such as gels, sprays and dyes. Many of these products contain phthalates – chemicals that disrupt the production and function of sex hormones, oftentimes leading to erectile dysfunction in men and low libido in women.
Antibacterial Products – Not all bacteria is bad. We rely on specific microorganisms – “good” bacteria – to ward off the bad. Using antibacterial and antimicrobial products on a regular basis can actually make us more susceptible to foreign pathogens and infection. Additionally, ingredients used in the manufacture of antibacterial products can disrupt hormonal balance.
Household Cleansers – The average household contains at least 20 toxic chemicals. In an overkill effort to rid our homes of dirt, grime and bacteria, we contaminate our homes and can make our families and ourselves sick. The Children’s Health Environmental Coalition has singled out bleach as the most harmful chemical lurking in our homes. When mixed with acidic cleansers, such as ammonia, bleach reacts violently, emitting toxic gas, similar to mustard gas.
Smoking – Did you know that as little as one cigarette can raise your risk of developing lung cancer? It’s true. Just think what a pack a day could do to us in the long run. Smoking leads to the oxidization of the body’s cells and in addition to raising one’s risk of lung and throat cancer, smoking also increases the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and heart disease. Smokers aren’t the only ones at risk either - the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that 3,000 non-smokers die of lung cancer each year as a direct result of secondhand smoke.
The Organic DifferenceThe word “organic” refers to the agricultural methods that farmers use to cultivate fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products and meat. “Organic” practices are designed to conserve water and reduce environmental toxins and pollution. Not only do organic foods oftentimes taste better, they’re also a whole lot better for you – here are some reasons why:
Fertilization - Instead of using chemical-based fertilizers, organic agriculture uses manure or compost to enrich the plants and soil with their necessary nutrients. Many of the chemicals used for fertilization contain a variety of toxic substances that oftentimes end up contaminating the crops.
Synthetic Hormones – Conventional farmers use a long list of synthetic hormones to spur the growth of their livestock and expedite the animals’ development. Synthetic hormones disrupt the production and function of our natural hormones and on the long-term can cause hormonal imbalances, including thyroid disease and metabolic disorders.
Antibiotics – Farmers use antibiotics to ward off infection and disease in their livestock. The trouble is many of these antibiotics have a similar effect to that of synthetic hormones. Farmers need to use large quantities of antibiotics to offset the many health risks that oftentimes accompany the overcrowded living conditions that the animals are accustomed to.
Organic Certified Feed – The majority of cattle, chickens and other farm-raised animals are fed nothing but corn-based feed - which has little nutritional value. Organic farmers feed their animals only Organic Certified Feed – meaning that it contains at least 95 percent ORGANIC ingredients. Organic feed provides the animals with the nutrients and vitamins that they require for optimal development.
Source: BodyLogic MD
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The ever so loved, evil Easter Bunny
Can't resist chocolate anywhere, anyplace, anytime. Man, that stuff is just good. But man oh man am I feeling the effects of the weekend!
We were blessed to spend Sat. and Sun. with Adam's family and extended family. Many big meals that all had many desserts and candy awaiting. I always love a little indulgence once in awhile, but I think I over did it this time - I'm suffering from some low energy....gotta get back on track and eat what I have learned to love to get it back!
Hope all had a spectacular Easter. What a good feeling to hear my precious 4 year old ask me on Good Friday, "Mom, why would people be mean to Jesus?" Good question, Emma...good question.
God is good, all the time.
We were blessed to spend Sat. and Sun. with Adam's family and extended family. Many big meals that all had many desserts and candy awaiting. I always love a little indulgence once in awhile, but I think I over did it this time - I'm suffering from some low energy....gotta get back on track and eat what I have learned to love to get it back!
Hope all had a spectacular Easter. What a good feeling to hear my precious 4 year old ask me on Good Friday, "Mom, why would people be mean to Jesus?" Good question, Emma...good question.
God is good, all the time.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Woo-Hoo! Momma and Baby just went joggin'!
That's right folks - 26 weeks into it and I finally got up to a joggin' speed this morning. Holy smokes the air was brisk and felt GREAT! Sun was a fireball, trees are budding and birds were singing - what better morning could you ask for????!!!!!
Hank was diggin' it too! ;)
Happy Easter weekend to all,
Hank was diggin' it too! ;)
Happy Easter weekend to all,
Thursday, April 1, 2010
No better way to get that vitamin D flowing through your body then soaking up the sun! And what a beautiful day to do so.
grab a walk with the kiddos, bike ride, zip over the park, or just relax in a comfy lawn chair - Vitamin D is a wonderful source or good stuff that will boost you immune system in several ways along with doing a whole other slew of great stuff for our bodies. LOVE IT!
Emma and I just cam in from pulling weeds - nothing like it.
........anddddddd.....today was my official "get up and get going" day. Oh yes. I made a commitment today to start getting up early before Adam leaves for work and go out for a walk/jog. A little out of shape, so just power walked today, but man oh man did it ever feel good. Came back to a wonderful blueberry smoothie. Sweet sweet. Doing it again tomorrow - who's with me??!!?
My life's so bright I gotta wear shades,
grab a walk with the kiddos, bike ride, zip over the park, or just relax in a comfy lawn chair - Vitamin D is a wonderful source or good stuff that will boost you immune system in several ways along with doing a whole other slew of great stuff for our bodies. LOVE IT!
Emma and I just cam in from pulling weeds - nothing like it.
........anddddddd.....today was my official "get up and get going" day. Oh yes. I made a commitment today to start getting up early before Adam leaves for work and go out for a walk/jog. A little out of shape, so just power walked today, but man oh man did it ever feel good. Came back to a wonderful blueberry smoothie. Sweet sweet. Doing it again tomorrow - who's with me??!!?
My life's so bright I gotta wear shades,
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Ditch the Jelly says your Belly.
Now, wasn't that clever. hee hee.
So peanut butter and jelly is such a staple sandwich for kids (and my husband), not to mention cheap! End of the month and we were scrounging around yesterday at lunch. I almost gave in....but found an alternative right in front of my eyes.
YUM! Elvis was right, kids! Toast two pieces of whole grain bread (ours loaded with flax mill), smear on a conservative portion of PB - make sure its natural!!!!! Do not get the regular PB that is loaded with extra sodium, sugar and preservatives! Then slice up that banana and sandwich the sucker in! So good.
Emma and I paired our sandwiches up with a fresh plum on the side and woo-la a great lunch.
So after eating I checked out the label on the jelly jar. Second ingredient high fructose corn syrup, third was yet more corn syrup, and then of course there were artificial ingredients, acid, and last but not least sodium citrate. So glad we went with the banana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thinking about using strawberries next,
So peanut butter and jelly is such a staple sandwich for kids (and my husband), not to mention cheap! End of the month and we were scrounging around yesterday at lunch. I almost gave in....but found an alternative right in front of my eyes.
YUM! Elvis was right, kids! Toast two pieces of whole grain bread (ours loaded with flax mill), smear on a conservative portion of PB - make sure its natural!!!!! Do not get the regular PB that is loaded with extra sodium, sugar and preservatives! Then slice up that banana and sandwich the sucker in! So good.
Emma and I paired our sandwiches up with a fresh plum on the side and woo-la a great lunch.
So after eating I checked out the label on the jelly jar. Second ingredient high fructose corn syrup, third was yet more corn syrup, and then of course there were artificial ingredients, acid, and last but not least sodium citrate. So glad we went with the banana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thinking about using strawberries next,
Monday, March 29, 2010
Dried fruit - ??
So in a conversation with my mom, we began talking about dried fruit. It came up because she had brought Emma some cookies for Easter, some with chocolate chips, some with dried cranberries in them.
Long story short we differ in which was better for you (as if a cookie wasn't a treat!) Mom went with dried cranberries, i went with chocolate chips.
What do you think?
Based on the knowledge I have learned in the pass year, dried fruit can be very deceiving just as the can of green beans (thinking just because it is a veggie or fruit it's healthy). When in fact the process of making the cranberries into "dried" cranberries is killing the good nutrients, not to mention adding extra sodium and sweetener/sugar to the fruit. When I was seeing my natural hormone doctor last fall, dried fruit was on the do not eat list - just go for fresh instead! Mom puts the dried fruit in her oatmeal.....my question, why not just go fresh?
As for chocolate chips - get them in dark chocolate. A very small amount of natural dark chocolate is good for women to have. YES! I LOVE the sound of that! ;) wink wink.
Debate and educate. Lets get healthy team.
Long story short we differ in which was better for you (as if a cookie wasn't a treat!) Mom went with dried cranberries, i went with chocolate chips.
What do you think?
Based on the knowledge I have learned in the pass year, dried fruit can be very deceiving just as the can of green beans (thinking just because it is a veggie or fruit it's healthy). When in fact the process of making the cranberries into "dried" cranberries is killing the good nutrients, not to mention adding extra sodium and sweetener/sugar to the fruit. When I was seeing my natural hormone doctor last fall, dried fruit was on the do not eat list - just go for fresh instead! Mom puts the dried fruit in her oatmeal.....my question, why not just go fresh?
As for chocolate chips - get them in dark chocolate. A very small amount of natural dark chocolate is good for women to have. YES! I LOVE the sound of that! ;) wink wink.
Debate and educate. Lets get healthy team.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Read this for your boobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dr. Michelle Holmes of Harvard University, who has studied cancer and lifestyle factors, said people might wrongly think their chances of getting cancer depend more on their genes than their lifestyle.
"The genes have been there for thousands of years, but if cancer rates are changing in a lifetime, that doesn't have much to do with genes," she told The Associated Press in a phone interview from Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. In Europe, there were about 421,000 new cases and nearly 90,000 deaths in 2008, the latest available figures. The United States last year saw more than 190,000 new cases and 40,000 deaths.
A woman's lifetime chance of getting breast cancer is about one in eight. Obese women are up to 60 percent more likely to develop any cancer than normal-weight women, according to a 2006 study by British researchers.
Many breast cancers are fueled by estrogen, a hormone produced in fat tissue. So experts suspect that the fatter a woman is, the more estrogen she's likely to produce, which could in turn fuel breast cancer. Even in slim women, experts believe exercise can help reduce the cancer risk by converting more fat into muscle.
Read the full article at : http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100325/ap_on_he_me/eu_med_avoiding_breast_cancer
Please please read and pass on.
Educate ladies. Educate.
"The genes have been there for thousands of years, but if cancer rates are changing in a lifetime, that doesn't have much to do with genes," she told The Associated Press in a phone interview from Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. In Europe, there were about 421,000 new cases and nearly 90,000 deaths in 2008, the latest available figures. The United States last year saw more than 190,000 new cases and 40,000 deaths.
A woman's lifetime chance of getting breast cancer is about one in eight. Obese women are up to 60 percent more likely to develop any cancer than normal-weight women, according to a 2006 study by British researchers.
Many breast cancers are fueled by estrogen, a hormone produced in fat tissue. So experts suspect that the fatter a woman is, the more estrogen she's likely to produce, which could in turn fuel breast cancer. Even in slim women, experts believe exercise can help reduce the cancer risk by converting more fat into muscle.
Read the full article at : http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100325/ap_on_he_me/eu_med_avoiding_breast_cancer
Please please read and pass on.
Educate ladies. Educate.
I was working in the garage with the radio blaring some good Jesus music when the news came on.
"A new report out has just proven that 1/3 of all breast cancer cases could have been prevented with proper diet and exercise."
ONE THIRD??!?!?!?!! HOLY CRAP!!!!! If that doesn't speak out VOLUMES!!!!!
So it's our job ladies - exercise and eat right - lets do it!!! Bring on the fresh veggies! Our own health care reform starts right now!!!!
Keeping boobs healthy everywhere,
"A new report out has just proven that 1/3 of all breast cancer cases could have been prevented with proper diet and exercise."
ONE THIRD??!?!?!?!! HOLY CRAP!!!!! If that doesn't speak out VOLUMES!!!!!
So it's our job ladies - exercise and eat right - lets do it!!! Bring on the fresh veggies! Our own health care reform starts right now!!!!
Keeping boobs healthy everywhere,
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Good bathroom reader....
"The Doctors Book of Healing Foods" by Selene Yeager and the Editors of Prevention
Its a quick-flip book. Loaded with tons of good info. I will be using it as a reference the next few posts.
Educate. Remember, the more we know the healthier we are. So true.
Did you know if you are borderline or have high blood pressure avoiding foods with high sodium in them can help...such as chocolate flavored instant pudding, ice cream, ketchup and cheese. How easy is it to skip the cheese on the next salad, ditch the ketchup on the next dipping, or skip the ice cream and have a yogurt instead????
Small changes make BIG IMPACTS......educate. Educate and share the small changes. Make them life changes.
Spreading the word,
Its a quick-flip book. Loaded with tons of good info. I will be using it as a reference the next few posts.
Educate. Remember, the more we know the healthier we are. So true.
Did you know if you are borderline or have high blood pressure avoiding foods with high sodium in them can help...such as chocolate flavored instant pudding, ice cream, ketchup and cheese. How easy is it to skip the cheese on the next salad, ditch the ketchup on the next dipping, or skip the ice cream and have a yogurt instead????
Small changes make BIG IMPACTS......educate. Educate and share the small changes. Make them life changes.
Spreading the word,
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
I can not help but share this info:
"Drinking 2 cans of soda (24 oz total) daily is equivalent to swallowing FIVE POUNDS of sugar a month." - Dr. Oz aired 3/22/10
Does that not gross anyone out? Does that not put things in perspective. Maybe you don't drink a 32 oz. from the gas station everyday, but what about every other day? BE REAL WITH YOURSELF.
Remember the new study out that I mentioned yesterday on how this is the first generation of kids expected to die before their parents? Go stand by a school on any given day and watch as the kids enter and leave...see how many are caring soda bottles. So do you think they will die of diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, high cholesterol or heart attack?
Educate. Educate. Put it in perspective. FIVE POUNDS OF SUGAR. Holy cow. No wonder Americans "can't seem to lose weight, even though they exercise." Come on get real people. This is health care reform.
And all of you who comment "well, I drink diet - it doesn't have sugar." Don't kid yourself. It still is sweet, right? Read your ingredient label...what chemicals are they putting in there to replace the sugar? Those are killing you. They do MORE damage than the real sugar. So quit making excuses to cover your addiction. Yes, I said addiction.
I'm fired up gang. Let educate. Educate each other on what is good for our bodies. .....which is definitely NOT 5 pounds of sugar or some other man-made chemical. I want you to live. I want you all to live long an healthy.
Am I alone?
"Drinking 2 cans of soda (24 oz total) daily is equivalent to swallowing FIVE POUNDS of sugar a month." - Dr. Oz aired 3/22/10
Does that not gross anyone out? Does that not put things in perspective. Maybe you don't drink a 32 oz. from the gas station everyday, but what about every other day? BE REAL WITH YOURSELF.
Remember the new study out that I mentioned yesterday on how this is the first generation of kids expected to die before their parents? Go stand by a school on any given day and watch as the kids enter and leave...see how many are caring soda bottles. So do you think they will die of diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, high cholesterol or heart attack?
Educate. Educate. Put it in perspective. FIVE POUNDS OF SUGAR. Holy cow. No wonder Americans "can't seem to lose weight, even though they exercise." Come on get real people. This is health care reform.
And all of you who comment "well, I drink diet - it doesn't have sugar." Don't kid yourself. It still is sweet, right? Read your ingredient label...what chemicals are they putting in there to replace the sugar? Those are killing you. They do MORE damage than the real sugar. So quit making excuses to cover your addiction. Yes, I said addiction.
I'm fired up gang. Let educate. Educate each other on what is good for our bodies. .....which is definitely NOT 5 pounds of sugar or some other man-made chemical. I want you to live. I want you all to live long an healthy.
Am I alone?
Monday, March 22, 2010
Healthcare, Healthcare, Healthcare....
I just hacked into my husbands Facebook to read some of the "comments" and was a bit disturbed to find a VERY overweight friend of ours say something along the lines of "well, I am without insurance, so if this helps with a reasonably priced insurance than I agree." Not to mention, he is "struggling" to find a full time job in the computer tech world.
Ok. People wake up. get off your dang computers and go exercise. You are responsible for your own health starting at home. Clean out the pantry. Clean out the fridge. Get rid of the sugar, snacks, sweets, and soda - ITS KILLING YOU. Get up, get an extra job - you will stay busier and more active - lose weight and add some jingle in your pocket. EXERCISE.
Anyone hear the recent news about today's kids? This is PROFOUND. "Today's generation of kids are expected to die before their parents - it is the first time ever this has ever been said." HELLO!!!!!! Can we say French fries and Mt. Dew for school lunches....get home and go to the freezer for some pizza bites? Come on America - if you want to save health care and the cost that goes into it...work on SAVING OUR SICK KIDS and yourself! I know Mrs. President is working on it, but seriously, going take more than a pretty face.
Americans need a clue what they are putting IN their mouths vs. what is coming out. Get off your Facebook and go research fresh food - put a carrot in your mouth! Educate. Exercise. Get up and MOVE. Do something good for your body so you don't have to go to the doctor because you are HEALTHY. Drink some water for heaven's sake!
Deeply passionate - with all the reasons to be,
PS - just want everyone to know something my new OB told me on my first visit to him during this pregnancy. After discussing all the trouble I had over the years and the early introduction to menopause, I shared with him my recent 40 pound weight loss and switch to natural eating. His comment.... "Good for you, I love hearing that. We will never know for sure, but I am banking 99% of the reason you were all the sudden able to get pregnant naturally was due to the weight loss. Women come in here all the time wanting me to help them get pregnant - they want a "pill"...I tell them over and over, lose some weight, especially the belly fat. Belly fat is very dangerous for women in many ways, but one way is that is contains a large amount of bad estrogen (cancer causing to be exact)....this estrogen preforms as a birth control in women, keeping them from conceiving a lot."
My point.....I agree whole-heatedly. Losing 40 pounds and cleaning out my body not only did great things for me, but friends it brought LIFE into this world. Life. LIFE. We had previously lost two lives prior to this, and for that I am so devastated. Life. A life that I currently feel kicking me and in July I get to let its Daddy, sister and grandparents hug it.
I think I can justifiably say my health care reform is working.....no help from the government. (and as my brother would say - the same government that for over 200 years can't even seem to make the simple postal system run on the positive.)
I just hacked into my husbands Facebook to read some of the "comments" and was a bit disturbed to find a VERY overweight friend of ours say something along the lines of "well, I am without insurance, so if this helps with a reasonably priced insurance than I agree." Not to mention, he is "struggling" to find a full time job in the computer tech world.
Ok. People wake up. get off your dang computers and go exercise. You are responsible for your own health starting at home. Clean out the pantry. Clean out the fridge. Get rid of the sugar, snacks, sweets, and soda - ITS KILLING YOU. Get up, get an extra job - you will stay busier and more active - lose weight and add some jingle in your pocket. EXERCISE.
Anyone hear the recent news about today's kids? This is PROFOUND. "Today's generation of kids are expected to die before their parents - it is the first time ever this has ever been said." HELLO!!!!!! Can we say French fries and Mt. Dew for school lunches....get home and go to the freezer for some pizza bites? Come on America - if you want to save health care and the cost that goes into it...work on SAVING OUR SICK KIDS and yourself! I know Mrs. President is working on it, but seriously, going take more than a pretty face.
Americans need a clue what they are putting IN their mouths vs. what is coming out. Get off your Facebook and go research fresh food - put a carrot in your mouth! Educate. Exercise. Get up and MOVE. Do something good for your body so you don't have to go to the doctor because you are HEALTHY. Drink some water for heaven's sake!
Deeply passionate - with all the reasons to be,
PS - just want everyone to know something my new OB told me on my first visit to him during this pregnancy. After discussing all the trouble I had over the years and the early introduction to menopause, I shared with him my recent 40 pound weight loss and switch to natural eating. His comment.... "Good for you, I love hearing that. We will never know for sure, but I am banking 99% of the reason you were all the sudden able to get pregnant naturally was due to the weight loss. Women come in here all the time wanting me to help them get pregnant - they want a "pill"...I tell them over and over, lose some weight, especially the belly fat. Belly fat is very dangerous for women in many ways, but one way is that is contains a large amount of bad estrogen (cancer causing to be exact)....this estrogen preforms as a birth control in women, keeping them from conceiving a lot."
My point.....I agree whole-heatedly. Losing 40 pounds and cleaning out my body not only did great things for me, but friends it brought LIFE into this world. Life. LIFE. We had previously lost two lives prior to this, and for that I am so devastated. Life. A life that I currently feel kicking me and in July I get to let its Daddy, sister and grandparents hug it.
I think I can justifiably say my health care reform is working.....no help from the government. (and as my brother would say - the same government that for over 200 years can't even seem to make the simple postal system run on the positive.)
Friday, March 19, 2010
PLEASE please PLEASE read this!
I see this same report and list over and over.
I am such a believer, not just by the research but because I am a living walking example.
Good stuff,
I am such a believer, not just by the research but because I am a living walking example.
Good stuff,
Thursday, March 18, 2010
She's so cool.
My 4 yr old daughter.
For lunch, several left overs with this and that. What did she want? Melon, oranges and peppers....with an ice water. wow. She's awesome.
Me....potatoes, carrots and cottage cheese! *#*$&!?!!!?! :)
Heard that baby's heartbeat again yesterday...sweet sweet poetry, I say. 22 weeks down 4 months to go - can't wait for all to see h................ha, think you got me, huh?! ;)
For lunch, several left overs with this and that. What did she want? Melon, oranges and peppers....with an ice water. wow. She's awesome.
Me....potatoes, carrots and cottage cheese! *#*$&!?!!!?! :)
Heard that baby's heartbeat again yesterday...sweet sweet poetry, I say. 22 weeks down 4 months to go - can't wait for all to see h................ha, think you got me, huh?! ;)
Friday, March 12, 2010
Anyone else....
Mentally, physically, just drained.
Tuning back in to a more positive post hopefully soon.
Mentally, physically, just drained.
Tuning back in to a more positive post hopefully soon.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
On the go lunches...
Trying to aviod those hormone filled chicken nuggets and irresistable McDonalds fries, the Phipps' family is on a quest to find new "on the go healthier picks". So far we have found these to be our new favorites.....
Chipolte - Mexican fast food, set up similar to a "Subway pick and choose your own toppings." Chipolte uses all natural meat with no added hormones and even their sour cream is from organic dairy (you can read this on the back of their cups!) Plus you can get fresh salsa, tomatoes, peppers and all sorts of yummy things. Price is definitely good because serving are so big. Emma and I split a Vegetarian Bowl with peppers and onion stir fry...all the good fixin's on top like black beans, tomatoes, lettuce, salsa, and guacamole. Ask for an extra bowl to split and two ice waters - we spend less than if we ordered McDonalds.
Panara Bread - Voted "healthiest on the go" restaurant. All meat is again from natural sources so no MSGs added. They have GREAT veggie soup and even the kids meals come with organic yogurt. Again, large portions...Emma and I are splitters her sometimes too. This is a Phipps' family favorite for after church! Everyone is happy and full when leaving! A little more on the pricey side, but again order water and split some things - you will be happy to be grease free.
Subway - A quickie favorite. Steer clear of processed deli meats though - full of preservatives and sodium! Emma and I love to order a foot long Veggie and fill it up to the max...on whole wheat bread. She can usually devour more than me of it!
Panda Express - If you are filling a little sinful, you can at least be comforted by knowing their chicken is MSG free as well. Now I can't comment on the sweet, sugary sauces, but man it is GOOD! Order that ice water! :) Again HUGE portions, so split with your kiddo to save that $$.
Always searching for others - PLEASE SHARE/COMMENT if you have more favorite healthy stops for those on the go days!
Chipolte - Mexican fast food, set up similar to a "Subway pick and choose your own toppings." Chipolte uses all natural meat with no added hormones and even their sour cream is from organic dairy (you can read this on the back of their cups!) Plus you can get fresh salsa, tomatoes, peppers and all sorts of yummy things. Price is definitely good because serving are so big. Emma and I split a Vegetarian Bowl with peppers and onion stir fry...all the good fixin's on top like black beans, tomatoes, lettuce, salsa, and guacamole. Ask for an extra bowl to split and two ice waters - we spend less than if we ordered McDonalds.
Panara Bread - Voted "healthiest on the go" restaurant. All meat is again from natural sources so no MSGs added. They have GREAT veggie soup and even the kids meals come with organic yogurt. Again, large portions...Emma and I are splitters her sometimes too. This is a Phipps' family favorite for after church! Everyone is happy and full when leaving! A little more on the pricey side, but again order water and split some things - you will be happy to be grease free.
Subway - A quickie favorite. Steer clear of processed deli meats though - full of preservatives and sodium! Emma and I love to order a foot long Veggie and fill it up to the max...on whole wheat bread. She can usually devour more than me of it!
Panda Express - If you are filling a little sinful, you can at least be comforted by knowing their chicken is MSG free as well. Now I can't comment on the sweet, sugary sauces, but man it is GOOD! Order that ice water! :) Again HUGE portions, so split with your kiddo to save that $$.
Always searching for others - PLEASE SHARE/COMMENT if you have more favorite healthy stops for those on the go days!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Granny's Great Meatloaf gets transformed.
Everyone has a staple meatloaf. Here is our family favorite - which I made last night, BUT revised a bit to a more natural and healthy meal! I'll give both versions.
Granny's Great Meatloaf
1 lb ground beef
1/2 pkg. dry stuffing mix
2 eggs
1 can onion soup
1 cup catsup
1/4 cup vinegar
3/4 cup brown sugar
Mix ground beef, stuffing mix, eggs and onion soup. Put in pan. Bake 350 degrees for 1 -1 1/2 hours, checking to see doneness. Combine catsup, vinegar, and brown sugar. Pour over top of meatloaf.
Live Longer than Granny and her Great Meat Loaf!
1 lb. free range ground beef
2 organic eggs (or 3 egg whites if watching cholesterol)
to replace the prepackaged stuffing use:
2 cups baking oats
desired fresh herbs
to replace can of onion soup:
1 onion chopped fine
1/2 cup broccoli chopped fine (good time to use those frozen stalks!)
1/2 cup red pepper chopped fine (I grabbed a ziplock baggie of this from the freezer left from last summer's garden!)
*if mixture seems too dry when added to meat, add a little MSG free chicken broth, or an extra egg -whatever is handy
1 cup catsup
1/2 cup organic apple vinegar
3/4 cups dark brown sugar
Mix all meat loaf ingredients together and topping ingredients together in separate bowls. Form 4 mini loaves. Pour half of topping over loaves and bake in microwave safe dish for 14-18 minutes! Whoa - la!
Still working on a more health friendly topping...this one is soooo good though. ;) Any ideas would be greatly taken!
Also to note: We have the Tupperware Oval Microwave Cooker which is PERFECT for this meal - It has a drain in the bottom so the meat's grease can run to the bottom of the container while your loaf sits above on a rack...I LOVE this feature, not to mention 15 minutes in the microwave beats the crap out of almost 2 hours in the oven.
We served this with some baked sweet potato chips and tossed leafy green salad - perfect!
(For sw. pot. chips: Clean and peal potatoes. Slice in 1/4" or smaller slices. Spread out on baking sheet. Lightly brush with olive oil, sprinkle with desired cracked peppercorn. Bake 20-30 minutes at 35o degrees)
Enjoy this hearty meal and feel good afterwards that your family ate hidden broccoli and peppers!
Tricky tricky, Jill
Granny's Great Meatloaf
1 lb ground beef
1/2 pkg. dry stuffing mix
2 eggs
1 can onion soup
1 cup catsup
1/4 cup vinegar
3/4 cup brown sugar
Mix ground beef, stuffing mix, eggs and onion soup. Put in pan. Bake 350 degrees for 1 -1 1/2 hours, checking to see doneness. Combine catsup, vinegar, and brown sugar. Pour over top of meatloaf.
Live Longer than Granny and her Great Meat Loaf!
1 lb. free range ground beef
2 organic eggs (or 3 egg whites if watching cholesterol)
to replace the prepackaged stuffing use:
2 cups baking oats
desired fresh herbs
to replace can of onion soup:
1 onion chopped fine
1/2 cup broccoli chopped fine (good time to use those frozen stalks!)
1/2 cup red pepper chopped fine (I grabbed a ziplock baggie of this from the freezer left from last summer's garden!)
*if mixture seems too dry when added to meat, add a little MSG free chicken broth, or an extra egg -whatever is handy
1 cup catsup
1/2 cup organic apple vinegar
3/4 cups dark brown sugar
Mix all meat loaf ingredients together and topping ingredients together in separate bowls. Form 4 mini loaves. Pour half of topping over loaves and bake in microwave safe dish for 14-18 minutes! Whoa - la!
Still working on a more health friendly topping...this one is soooo good though. ;) Any ideas would be greatly taken!
Also to note: We have the Tupperware Oval Microwave Cooker which is PERFECT for this meal - It has a drain in the bottom so the meat's grease can run to the bottom of the container while your loaf sits above on a rack...I LOVE this feature, not to mention 15 minutes in the microwave beats the crap out of almost 2 hours in the oven.
We served this with some baked sweet potato chips and tossed leafy green salad - perfect!
(For sw. pot. chips: Clean and peal potatoes. Slice in 1/4" or smaller slices. Spread out on baking sheet. Lightly brush with olive oil, sprinkle with desired cracked peppercorn. Bake 20-30 minutes at 35o degrees)
Enjoy this hearty meal and feel good afterwards that your family ate hidden broccoli and peppers!
Tricky tricky, Jill
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Stir Fry for the Healthy Guy.
Had this for supper a couple night ago - BIG hit with the fam!
1 sliced onion
1 sliced yellow pepper
Toss in a dab of olive oil (I don't really measure - maybe 2 TBS?)
Put in large skillet over med high heat, stirring regularly until onion is transparent or peppers are desired "crunchiness or lack thereof"
Add chopped purple cabbage (again didn't measure - maybe a cup?)
Continue to stir and let cabbage wilt some.
Add organic/MSG free chicken breast (skinless breast, cooked and chopped in bite size pieces)
Add freshly cut pineapple
Add a pinch of ground peppercorn
Add favorite herb if any (I had some fresh parsley in freezer that I got on sale awhile ago)
Turn heat down and let the natural flavors of the food do their magic! Simmer until pineapple is at desired state.
Serve over natural whole grain rice.
YUM! And for desert - sliced oranges go perfect!!!!!!!!!!! A crowd pleaser AND all the colors make it a BEAUTIFUL dish to look at too!!
Having leftovers for lunch in a wrap today,
1 sliced onion
1 sliced yellow pepper
Toss in a dab of olive oil (I don't really measure - maybe 2 TBS?)
Put in large skillet over med high heat, stirring regularly until onion is transparent or peppers are desired "crunchiness or lack thereof"
Add chopped purple cabbage (again didn't measure - maybe a cup?)
Continue to stir and let cabbage wilt some.
Add organic/MSG free chicken breast (skinless breast, cooked and chopped in bite size pieces)
Add freshly cut pineapple
Add a pinch of ground peppercorn
Add favorite herb if any (I had some fresh parsley in freezer that I got on sale awhile ago)
Turn heat down and let the natural flavors of the food do their magic! Simmer until pineapple is at desired state.
Serve over natural whole grain rice.
YUM! And for desert - sliced oranges go perfect!!!!!!!!!!! A crowd pleaser AND all the colors make it a BEAUTIFUL dish to look at too!!
Having leftovers for lunch in a wrap today,
Low Fat and Fat Free...not so free my friends.
So here is what I have found out and would like to share in today's tidbit on low fat and fat free food. Nothing good can come from it. period.
When I went to the hormone therapist in OH, before prescribing any medicine he talked about diet and nutrition first and foremost along with exercise and chemicals in your home.
In the diet and nutrition the obvious we have already talked about in veggies and fruit came up. It was then later discussed to avoid all low fat and fat free products. Since then, I like to research and confirm things, so I investigated this theory. It tends to hold true with several elite professionals and sources. (Not to mention I'm walking proof)
Apparently it all comes down to the natural state of food that God intended it to be in without man altering it. When a food says low fat or fat free, it means the manufacture has taken out the sugar or any other fat (high calorie) causing agents. However, you notice these foods still taste similar? That is because what is taken out is chemically being replaced with some other additive. Splenda for example is used a lot along with other things. Read you ingredient labels....there are chemicals added that can't even be pronounced! These chemicals do funky things to your body.
They can mess with your hormones and thyroid - which in turn play a gigantic role on weight loss and over all health. They also tend to make you MORE HUNGRY!!!! Ya, go figure! They can send hunger cravings to your brain! We read this A LOT about diet sodas.
So what to do?
#1 - avoid as much as possible. Instead of that low fat apple sauce for you and the kiddos - just have a real apple. And definitely ditch the diet sodas!!!!!!!
#2 - can't avoid it? (Like sour cream on your Mexican crockpot meal) :) Then make sure it is regular in its most natural form and not low fat/fat free. Then just be careful of your serving size. Truely amazing how I quit purchasing anything with these low fat lables and starting losing weight!
#3 - tell all your friends and family. Please.
Making little moves like this will make BIG changes in your health - PROMISE!
Fat free on my thighs, not my food,
When I went to the hormone therapist in OH, before prescribing any medicine he talked about diet and nutrition first and foremost along with exercise and chemicals in your home.
In the diet and nutrition the obvious we have already talked about in veggies and fruit came up. It was then later discussed to avoid all low fat and fat free products. Since then, I like to research and confirm things, so I investigated this theory. It tends to hold true with several elite professionals and sources. (Not to mention I'm walking proof)
Apparently it all comes down to the natural state of food that God intended it to be in without man altering it. When a food says low fat or fat free, it means the manufacture has taken out the sugar or any other fat (high calorie) causing agents. However, you notice these foods still taste similar? That is because what is taken out is chemically being replaced with some other additive. Splenda for example is used a lot along with other things. Read you ingredient labels....there are chemicals added that can't even be pronounced! These chemicals do funky things to your body.
They can mess with your hormones and thyroid - which in turn play a gigantic role on weight loss and over all health. They also tend to make you MORE HUNGRY!!!! Ya, go figure! They can send hunger cravings to your brain! We read this A LOT about diet sodas.
So what to do?
#1 - avoid as much as possible. Instead of that low fat apple sauce for you and the kiddos - just have a real apple. And definitely ditch the diet sodas!!!!!!!
#2 - can't avoid it? (Like sour cream on your Mexican crockpot meal) :) Then make sure it is regular in its most natural form and not low fat/fat free. Then just be careful of your serving size. Truely amazing how I quit purchasing anything with these low fat lables and starting losing weight!
#3 - tell all your friends and family. Please.
Making little moves like this will make BIG changes in your health - PROMISE!
Fat free on my thighs, not my food,
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