Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I can not help but share this info:
"Drinking 2 cans of soda (24 oz total) daily is equivalent to swallowing FIVE POUNDS of sugar a month." - Dr. Oz aired 3/22/10

Does that not gross anyone out? Does that not put things in perspective. Maybe you don't drink a 32 oz. from the gas station everyday, but what about every other day? BE REAL WITH YOURSELF.

Remember the new study out that I mentioned yesterday on how this is the first generation of kids expected to die before their parents? Go stand by a school on any given day and watch as the kids enter and leave...see how many are caring soda bottles. So do you think they will die of diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, high cholesterol or heart attack?

Educate. Educate. Put it in perspective. FIVE POUNDS OF SUGAR. Holy cow. No wonder Americans "can't seem to lose weight, even though they exercise." Come on get real people. This is health care reform.

And all of you who comment "well, I drink diet - it doesn't have sugar." Don't kid yourself. It still is sweet, right? Read your ingredient label...what chemicals are they putting in there to replace the sugar? Those are killing you. They do MORE damage than the real sugar. So quit making excuses to cover your addiction. Yes, I said addiction.

I'm fired up gang. Let educate. Educate each other on what is good for our bodies. .....which is definitely NOT 5 pounds of sugar or some other man-made chemical. I want you to live. I want you all to live long an healthy.
Am I alone?

1 comment:

  1. Days have passed and I read this posting over and over. Still amazed. Amazed at first off, how much mountain dew I drank in college. And secondly how much of this stuff my closest family and freinds drink. Poison. Poison. What are we going to do team?
