Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Low Fat and Fat Free...not so free my friends.

So here is what I have found out and would like to share in today's tidbit on low fat and fat free food. Nothing good can come from it. period.

When I went to the hormone therapist in OH, before prescribing any medicine he talked about diet and nutrition first and foremost along with exercise and chemicals in your home.
In the diet and nutrition the obvious we have already talked about in veggies and fruit came up. It was then later discussed to avoid all low fat and fat free products. Since then, I like to research and confirm things, so I investigated this theory. It tends to hold true with several elite professionals and sources. (Not to mention I'm walking proof)

Apparently it all comes down to the natural state of food that God intended it to be in without man altering it. When a food says low fat or fat free, it means the manufacture has taken out the sugar or any other fat (high calorie) causing agents. However, you notice these foods still taste similar? That is because what is taken out is chemically being replaced with some other additive. Splenda for example is used a lot along with other things. Read you ingredient labels....there are chemicals added that can't even be pronounced! These chemicals do funky things to your body.
They can mess with your hormones and thyroid - which in turn play a gigantic role on weight loss and over all health. They also tend to make you MORE HUNGRY!!!! Ya, go figure! They can send hunger cravings to your brain! We read this A LOT about diet sodas.

So what to do?
#1 - avoid as much as possible. Instead of that low fat apple sauce for you and the kiddos - just have a real apple. And definitely ditch the diet sodas!!!!!!!
#2 - can't avoid it? (Like sour cream on your Mexican crockpot meal) :) Then make sure it is regular in its most natural form and not low fat/fat free. Then just be careful of your serving size. Truely amazing how I quit purchasing anything with these low fat lables and starting losing weight!
#3 - tell all your friends and family. Please.

Making little moves like this will make BIG changes in your health - PROMISE!
Fat free on my thighs, not my food,

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