Friday, March 5, 2010

Sometimes you just need powdered doughnuts.

Oh yes. It's true.
After spending almost two hours pushing around a red #05 race car cart in Kroger yesterday, I let temptation get the best of me. I had used over $17 in coupons on whole grains, organic milk and frozen fruit and veggies.....shew, I was tired and the blond bombshell in the drivers seat of the race car was preciously asleep at the wheel. As we rounded the the last turn away, there they were. Sitting on the clearance table with a big orange "manager's special" sticker on them.....
Powdered Doughnuts, only 99 cents.

What to do, what to do.....


Man, they were good.

Love eating healthy, but also love a sinful treat every once in awhile too. However, be it known that after eating some my belly did not handle them so well - what have I done to myself?!?! :)
Good to be eating a salad today for lunch,
Jill....with a little white dusting on my mouth.


  1. So stinkin' proud of you. Enjoy every indulgence along the way!

  2. Thanks Ali - I was celebrating your big 30 with them! ;)
