Thursday, April 1, 2010


No better way to get that vitamin D flowing through your body then soaking up the sun! And what a beautiful day to do so.

grab a walk with the kiddos, bike ride, zip over the park, or just relax in a comfy lawn chair - Vitamin D is a wonderful source or good stuff that will boost you immune system in several ways along with doing a whole other slew of great stuff for our bodies. LOVE IT!

Emma and I just cam in from pulling weeds - nothing like it. was my official "get up and get going" day. Oh yes. I made a commitment today to start getting up early before Adam leaves for work and go out for a walk/jog. A little out of shape, so just power walked today, but man oh man did it ever feel good. Came back to a wonderful blueberry smoothie. Sweet sweet. Doing it again tomorrow - who's with me??!!?
My life's so bright I gotta wear shades,

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