Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A couple EASY summer switch-ups

Summer time is grillin' time! There was a chef on Dr. Oz a few days ago sharing how we can still enjoy our summer favorites but in a healthier way. Here are two examples:

Grilling out hamburgers - swap out half the beef and replace with ground turkey breast. (Make sure it is turkey breast and not thighs....thighs have a much higher fat count) The guest out of the audience wasn't told about the swap until after she tasted the burger - she said it tasted normal and in fact the beef flavor actually tasted like it was enhanced more. So all in all the turkey cuts the fat in half and adds much more protein, nutrition, and flavor. Perfect!

Coleslaw - gotta have this if you're grilling out! My family's weakness ingredient in cooking...mayo. MMmmmmMmmmm we love this stuff. But she suggested swapping half out with Greek yogurt. The Greek yogurt is extra creamy and won't kill the taste of the mayo already added. Add some fresh lemon zest and who-la, half the fat. Dr. Oz also suggested for an even bigger punch of nutrition use broccoli slaw instead of cabbage.

There you have it....two easy and simple swaps that can make big differences in our favorite summer dishes. I love tips like this!
Now if it would just quit raining so we fire up that grill!

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