Thursday, May 13, 2010

In season May - August!

Good for You
Avocados have the heart-healthy fats called mono-and polyunsaturated fats, which, when eaten in place of saturated or trans fats, can actually help lower LDL (so-called "bad" cholesterol) levels and shrink your waistline!

Get the Best
Chef Daniel Humm advises choosing avocados that are slightly soft to the touch, but not too mushy. "After two days at room temperature, they'll ripen and be perfect," he says. Hass avocados, one of the most common varieties, have pebbly skin that turns from green to purplish-black when ripe and have a creamy taste. If you don't use ripe avocados right away, store them in the refrigerator to keep from spoiling.

Kitchen Simple
Guacamole is an easy way to enjoy avocado, says Humm. Mash two avocados and stir in two tablespoons diced red onion, a half cup diced tomato, half a minced jalepeno, two minced garlic cloves, a half cup chopped cilantro, three tablespoons lime juice, salt, and pepper. Serve with chips and veggies, or spread on sandwiches.

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