Thursday, May 6, 2010

Take this 30 Second test....

How do I determine my toxic load?
Your toxic load is the amount of toxins that your body has to process. By answering the following question, you may gain some insight as to your current toxic load.

Y/N Do you or have you eaten processed foods?
Y/N Do you eat non-organic fruits and vegetables?
Y/N Do you eat meat and poultry that are not free-range?
Y/N Do you consume genetically altered food?
Y/N Do you or have you ever used artificial sweeteners?
Y/N Do you drink soda or diet soda?
Y/N Do the foods you eat have preservatives, additives, dyes, or sweeteners added?
Y/N Do you eat fast foods and/or eat out regularly?
Y/N Do you charbroil or grill foods?
Y/N Do you drink coffee regularly?
Y/N Do you drink alcohol?
Y/N Do you drink tap water?

If the majority of you answers are "yes", then it is likely that you diet/lifestyle contributes significantly to your toxic load. Beyond diet, many external toxins, such as perfumes, cleaners, and pollution add to your load.

After your whole family has taken the test, hang on to the results for tomorrow's blog!

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