Saturday, October 24, 2009

Get your Blueberries!

Any of you live near a "Trader Joes" Grocery? They have frozen blueberries for LESS than $2!!!!!!!! That is a STEAL compared to any store brand I have found. Buy a ton and keep 'em in the freezer to throw in smoothies, oatmeal, cereal, top of yogurt, you name it!
Blueberries are a super fruit - full of antioxidants and loads of good nutrition to boost your immune system, and who doesn't need that?
I have one cup of blueberries everyday now....throw them in my post workout smoothie - YUM!
turning blue, Jill

1 comment:

  1. Love Trader Joes!!! I do a lot of shopping there! Have lots of favorites, there, too.
