Tuesday, September 1, 2009

some days are good and....

...some just suck.

Don't know if its the detoxing, if it's hormones (or lack thereof), or if it is my lame foot, but something is just horrible inside. mentally and physically. What's the deal with me? Seriously, started crying in the middle of supper and didn't stop until an hour after. Some days are just downers for me. I wish this was all over....for once I just want to be "well".

Oh yes, I have joined the lame. Something tore in the bottom of my left foot. Killing me...and of course I ignored it too for several days until today which is nonstop throbbing. opps. grrrrr.
what next? Come on Satan, just hand it over and be done with it already.
tired and just sad allover,

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jill, I'm sooo sorry to hear it. I sure hope it wasn't the carrying poop for 84 miles bit that led you to this!!! ;)

    So, you and Sham need to do your RICE bit and get better soon.

    And the hormones.....I'm so sorry. Pain doesn't help. And the detoxing on top of it?!! I'll be praying for you. (And I can relate between morning sickness and pregnancy hormones. Poor Robert. I cried over every little thing on Sunday. Hormones stink!!!)
