Tuesday, November 10, 2009

11:27 PM

Just finished kempo of p90x. Sweating. but feel good. Especially since I was able to get in a 45 minute workout this morning, mowed the lawn and cleaned out the garage today! Burn baby burn! Mid-day....Kale Chips for a snack.

Soooooo love watching the Biggest Loser tonight. Those people are AMAZING. Their bodies HAVE to hurt. If they can do it - SO CAN I. Adam and I were sitting on the couch watching it when it dawned on me that we hadn't done our evening workout. it was near the end of the show and 10:00....could have easily gone to bed - actually wanted to....but nope, Shey inspired me. She so should NOT have gotten voted off the show tonight. KUDOS SHEY...keep up the good work. So 10:00 Adam and I started....and so glad we did.
BL fan,

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! BL is my fav. show, too. It's super inspiring! And, have you tried Jillian Michaels' workouts??????? You would LOVE them. They are quite challenging, but great! I'm not doing them while I am pregnant because they are a bit too intense, but want to get back to them as soon as I can postpartum.

    I was so bummed that they voted off Shay. She needs to be there so badly. Amanda is so much closer to her goal. And what's the juicy stuff between Amanda and Bob????
