Wednesday, November 4, 2009

No Excuse November continues...with potato chips???

....ok ladies....just to add to yesterday. I saw this in a mag. today and couldn't help but rip it out - here are your pep talks to get you out of excuse mode!

you think....Life is short - I'm going to enjoy my favorite foods.
instead tell yourself....I don't need to use food for entertainment. I can eat right and live longer with my family!

you think....I already had an unhealthy lunch, I might as well get pizza for dinner.
tell meal will not mess up my lifestyle, but lets move forward and not make it two!

you think.....I'll never be skinny anymore, so why not order the fries?
tell yourself.....I'm going to eat right and exercise so i can be fit at any size!

you think....just one more spoonful.
tell yourself...this isn't the last time I'll ever eat this, I have tasted it today, so lets move on.

There you have it ladies....just one more way to get it going on! wink wink! Don't you just hate me! HA! Well let me tell ya, I am LOVING life and LOVING my new is such a good feeling and I hope that every person that reads this can make the moves to feel the same way!

Craving potato chips? try this.......Buy a bunch of fresh Kale Greens. Wash/rinse and break into "potato chip" sizes off the stems. Spread on cookie sheet, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with a tad of sea salt. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes.....woo-la! yummy treat - like eating air and kale is SUPER FOOD jammed with great stuff for keeping us healthy. Emma LOVES them! Me too!
crunching away,