Friday, November 13, 2009

rough couple days

Ok. I absolutely do NOT understand what is going on and more than it physically hurts, it is more frustrating.
My whole self feels like it has regressed back four months. the past two days have been torture. Back pain, breast pain, cramps, emotional downfall, absolutely no energy, hungry all the time, emotional eating, and absolutely no desire to do anything about it. It is so hard to feel this way. There is absolutely no control over my emotions (or lack thereof) and it is so frustrating. I feel like a failure. A bad mom. So frustrating. What is wrong with me? I am doing all the right things, right? Why is it constant punishment? So frustrating. I hate it. I hate everything about it. I don't understand. The weight is coming back on too. yippee. so much for diet and exercise, huh? I just don't get it. Exercise, nutrition, diet....that is suppose to get you fit and aid in baby making.....why is I work so hard and the reverse comes. kinda hard to encourage others when it doesn't work for me. Seriously, this isn't a step back....I feel like I'm all the way back at the beginning. -sigh-
Tried to do something uplifting this morning with a 1 mile walk and 5K run. Don't really feel anything...but tired.....and hungry. Just want french fries and a big mac.
So down, jill

1 comment:

  1. Jill, I am praying for you this morning. I can't imagine how you are feeling. You have been working your butt off - literally - and I hate what you are going through.
    For what it's worth, you are an insanely awesome mom. In just the few weeks that I have known you, I have seen a woman who is devoted to her family's health and well being. You are an inspiration to me. Honestly and truly.
    I wish there was something that I could do or say to make it better. But I will pray. Satan is attacking, and God is so much bigger.
