Sunday, November 8, 2009


Today (and yesterday) have been a little low. Somedays I know why I am doing this. I know the big picture. BUT when taking it day by day, even with accomplishments, the road to getting back on track/healthy/fit is sooooo hard. I have injured my back....again. I am pretty sure this isn't from any exercise I have been fact that is the only time it actually feels good. Sitting and riding a car is very painful. Frustrating.
Started p90x this week with Adam. Two was to add some more cardio into my routine to help with weight loss (still need to get to that healthy BMI), and the other was to add some variety to muscle toning. Well, with so much lateral movements in the program, my feet are very sore and I had to back off a bit this morning - felt the same pain in my arch that I did a few months ago when I tore the ligament. Frustrating.
Steps onto the scales today. Shouldn't have. Still 175. I have been stuck there for FOUR weeks now. Why? I am adding in more workouts, I am sweating more, I am doing what the books say, I am doing what the doc says. Why is the hard work NOT paying off???? I am taking this thyroid supplement to get it back in par to help with the metabolism issues....obviously not working. Frustrating.

Just a frustrating day all over. And the weather is beautiful, therefore I should be happy....grrrrrr.
Could use a pick me up, Jill


  1. Oh, Jill, those thyroid suppliments can help so much, but until they do, GRRRRRRR!!!!!! I was stuck at the same weight for 2 months before it started shedding off. Have you had your thyroid checked since you started the medicine? If not, can you call your doctor to get it checked?

  2. I have to wait 90 days to retest everything. Sometime in December I get the order to do the spit test and blood work again. That way we can see all the numbers for thyriod, cholesterol, hormones, the whole nine yards. I CAN NOT wait to see the results. I am hoping for much progess....been waiting for a good report from a doctor for a long time now. trrrrrrrrying to stay positive - hopefully its just a slump and I'll snap out of it soon!
