Friday, November 20, 2009

Good day, good day.

Heard last night there are a couple of OHIO-ERS running a turkey trot on Thanksgiving day - absolutely cool. They are awesome. Go Life Group. I love hearing about people taking control of their future!

Getting excited around this place. Brisk air will do that to you. ahhhhhhh - love this new running gig in my life, always have liked the outdoors....and no better time than the cool fall with a little Indian Summer.
God is good.....all the time.


  1. I just stare and stare and stare at her blanket. I honestly, truly cannot believe you made that. I'm in awe. Complete awe.

    Oh, and I jogged today. 13-14 minute mile. I knew I was slow, but that's s-l-o-w. Yikes. Those 5 miles are going to take me forever, if I survive at all.

  2. WOOO-HOOOOO!!!! Go ALI!
    Don't sweat the are doing great things!!!!! LOVE IT!
