Friday, July 10, 2009

5K info sites...

The store where I got my shoes gave me this It is geared towards Ohio runners/walkers with listing of events and races. However if you look on the left side there is some other valuable info. I was drawn towards the "Pace Calculator" - when clicked on it takes to you a page that will help you calculate your pace and your pace goal...interesting.

Carrie found this site There is TONS of info "training" on the top tab, then "new runners" on left in yellow. Here you will see "the couch-to-5K Running Plan" COOL! I can handle that! There is also more good stuff there too.

Any others anyone may find please share! Also Kudos! to Shammy....she has recruited one of her brothers, her hubby and one of her sisters to run a 5K w/ her by October!!!! Any others out there????? :) Can't wait to start posting pictures of us going across that finish line!
cheers, Jill


  1. Fine, I'll do it...only cause Jason is...with one stipulation...if we all run in the same race, I get the iPod...I'll be there to talky talky.

  2. Previous comment by Adam "Light-nin" Phipps

  3. Ok. I tried to comment the other day and failed! I'm trying again. So, I'm in. I've gotten my friends Kristy, who lives in Indiana, and Estelle, who is here in California to join in as well as inspired people from work. I may actually go further and train for this mini triathalon in October. Crazy huh. We'll see how it goes. Haven't been able to have time away from the house to workout this week. Just been doing DVDs and a walk on Tuesday at the beach with strollers. Gotta get back to jogging!!

  4. PS I like that tool on your site, Jill.

  5. Hey, how do I add my name to below "the girls."
