Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Dancing Queen...

Raining this morning, so I was sent to the basement for this mornings walk/jog on the treadmill. Using Adam's I-Pod I was sweating to "MAMA MIA" soundtrack. (Yes, Adam is well rounded when it comes to music - wink wink) Couldn't help but think of the college days and envisioned these songs being sung with five girls and their cardboard roll microphones. Ya know laughing can really tone those ab muscles. hee heee heeeeee
Keep singin',


  1. Been REALLY lazy and have not even made it to the gym in a week! I do walk w/ Josie, but thats not going to help me! She has been up from 11:30pm to after 4am the last TWO nights!! I can't sleep and I can't take the much needed nap. I am SOOOOO tired!!!
    Due to Jason's recent "job situation" I am canceling my gym membership. I have to give 60 days notice, so at least I'll have that the next two months to train. Jill -where'd you get your treadmill? I have been doing some investigating and searching....
    I got on-line and found a website that will help you organize your 5K training in (i think) 8 weeks. I'll have to check again. I try to stay in shape and can do a mile okay, but would like to be able to really run the three and hold a good conversation. You know the WB girls...we love our talkin'. Okay, I am going to hand out w/ my hubby now as he has to leave sunday.

  2. tired....need sleep. I am hopeful for tonight to get more than three hours!!! :) yippy
