Sunday, August 16, 2009


Doing Ab Ripper (P90x series) every-other day sort of just become routine and I don't really listen to the "annoying" leader much. However, I did pay attention last time. BRING IT. That's his motto. I like it. BRING IT. Bring it on baby!!!! When I first started this I could not even do some of his moves, let alone 25 reps. Now I can sweat through most of it and conquer a lot of the reps. When it burns, I want sooooo bad to break....but that's when it counts....BRING IT.

So good. How are you doing today? Did you BRING IT? Awe man, I am feeling the muscles. I may have issues in losing that weight, but sweating everyday is feeling good. I think there becomes a point in all this where it suddenly became a game....a contest within my own self. Who thought 190 pounds could run two miles in mid summer? Not me....but I am...whoa.

Saw a quote the other day about exercising and really liked it....want to pass it on (article was about what inspires you to exercise):
"I feel like it is my obligation. An obligation to my family and especially to my kids. It puts me out there to live longer and be there for my kids....also to teach them the importance of maintaining a health body."
wow - my obligation. So true. God gave us this body, lets show our appreciation... it's only 30 minutes a day.
Sweatin' for my gal Emma,

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Jill. I'm so proud.

    I have an online babycenter friend who has done PX90 3x in a row. Oh my, she looks amazing!!! That really works.

    Gotta get moving again. My #2 problems have been SOOOO bad. I'm only 8 weeks and had to put on maternity pants just to make room for all my poop in my bloated belly today. Was able to get rid of half of my poop and can button my pants again. Oh, yeah....I need to get back to exercising!!!!
