Tuesday, August 4, 2009

To be organic or not to be organic....

Many banana farms gass thier fruit with the hormone ethylene which speeds up the ripening to sell faster. Go organic and even buy them a bit green and let them ripen in your home...with out hormones. (Kroger's bananas are only 10 cents more a pound for organic....found 20 cents in the washer last time I did laundry.) :) www.kashi.com has more tidbits like this, and lots of ways to add easy good stuff in our everyday life. Plus there are coupons.

Learning more and more about the things we put in our bodies that can help....or hurt. Trying to take it all in and if not help my current health, at least know I am making strides for Emma. Found some organic, no hormones added, chicken last night at Kroger marked down to 85 cents a pound....WOW. Rushed it home and popped it in the freezer for safe keeping. I'm really concerned over the amount of hormones I am learning that are in everyday things we eat or drink. Makes me wonder about my current hormone imbalance...hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Would love your thoughts and will pass tid bits as I find them. Until then, I have a little one that is dying to go to the park to play - good for her and good for me as I walk laps around the play area.
Trying to make it better,

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